Dec 21, 2008 01:44
Seasons turn. Kingdoms are built. The young grow old. The old pass on. Well, now that centuries have passed, I think it's time I updated my LJ.
Yeah, I know it's been a while, I actually haven't done much online in the past.. erm... MONTH or so! Okay, so the centuries bit was a bit exaggerated, just a tiny bit. I seriously wonder where working people find the time to do stuff. I come home, sleep, wake up, eat, and it's like time for work already! I'm really thankful for weekends, though the last few were spent with me just sleeping away. Partly due to me being tired and partly due to being sick. But I'm a lot better now! Thanks to modern medicine! I've always had trouble sleeping well. I kinda wake up not rested. Well, I went to see the doctor on Thursday since I wasn't feeling well. I wasn't feeling well for over a week before that, in fact, but I just kept going to work. Like all good doctors, he told me I should get more rest and gave my a whole lot of medicine. One for my throat, (it was a bit sore), one for my nose (it was a bit blocked up), and cough mixture and lozenges also for the throat. But.. it's really only A LITTLE BIT sore, but I guess he went all the way after he took a look at it. ("Yup that's infected all right!")
Turns out that one of the side-effects of cough mixture is that it makes you drowzy. Drowzy, I expected, but I didn't expect to be knocked out cold by it! Best sleep I had in.. in.. AGES! I'm being careful only to take it now before I go to sleep as it works wonders on me. @__@ I know I've always been a sensitive person (in many ways) but really.. COUGH MIXTURE. Kinda reminds me of the time I took a sleeping pill and went to shower.. and had to find my way back to my room with my eyes half-open. At least, I know if I need a drug to do something for me, it WILL work. Heck, coffee works. @__@
My degree came in the mail on Friday, AT LAST! Now I can continue the long, arduous path back to Australia. It seems strange applying in a time where the country is weaker (economically), but PR applications take ages and things can change between then and now. A plus point is that I pay less money! The Australian High Commission is only open from 8am to 12pm, so yeah, this night shift job kinda helps with the timing. (I hope!)
Other than that, I can honestly things have been plodding along over here! I see my friends here about once a MONTH, and it seems that everyone has their own lives now, and their own problems. I seriously am missing all my friends. ALL of them! It's been ages since I saw them and I'm online at all the wrong times so I don't even catch a whiff of them. Ah well, my timing seems to be stabilising (thanks to cough mixture!) so I'll see how the next few weeks play out!
So if you're reading this, you're being missed! Take care!!