Caffeine is evil!!

Nov 13, 2008 11:05

Yes, caffeine is evil to me!!  I don't know why, drugs and stuff always seem to have a huge impact on me. =__=  I guess it's because I try my best never to take any in the first place.  *ahem*  I digress, let me start at the beginning.

So I mentioned they're moving me to another job, it's still in the same company, it's STILL *mind-numbing* data entry, but the pay out is medium-sized peanuts, yup you heard me, MEDIUM-SIZED. XD  It's shift work, so this week it's 7pm to 3am @__@, but it's just training, and not doing the actual work. 
"OMG!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING SUCH TERRIBLE THINGS FOR ONLY MEDIUM-SIZED PEANUTS!?!? YOU SHOULD BE GETTING THE XL ONES AT LEAST!!!?" you ask.  Well, it's better than no job, since all those people aren't replying to my job applications.  To me, more money = get to Aus faster.  So yeah, I'll just stick it out, 'cause things will get better!  For sure!

So, I managed to actually stay awake the whole time, yesterday, getting some sleep in the afternoon, helped a lot!  But yeah, at 2am, I decided to pop a coffee just so I'd be a bit more alert on the way home.  And... I only got like 4 or 5 hours of sleep!  wth, the caffeine just suddenly kicked in and I'm feeling really weird at the moment.  I'm bewildered by how some people can take drugs and they only have little effect on them.  Stuff I taken always seems to work too well. >__>  Like that one time I had a sleeping pill.  It kicked in in like 30 minutes and I could barely walk after that.  Plus!  I slept through my alarm.

Yeah, so maybe I should try and get some sleep now before it's time to go to work.  But meh, it's just training.  Seriously!!! I hardly use any brainpower for this job!  It's... so.... ridiculously easy!  Like at the previous data entry place, I felt I reached my peak in about a month, I didn't see myself getting any better.  Oh well, at least it's something  Time to try and catch some zzzs. XD
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