
Nov 09, 2008 10:46

Today is Sunday!!!  Which means it's the day the Sun gets to come out and play.  Not that it doesn't get to come out every day, but today it's the FUN day for the SUN!  What does it do?  Burn the living daylights out of people more or less. >__>  Yeah it's hot.

I don't really have much to say about my life! :O  I think I've mentioned this before, but I seem to run out of ideas of what to write while other people have no problem whatsoever plonking down whatever.  Went for a short run this morning, only about 20 minutes (which is about my limit anyway), but the sun was eeeevil.  Good thing there were lots of trees!  Slightly sprained my left ankle (again), but this isn't serious, it'll recover in under 24 hours.

So I'm getting paid peanuts.  But the lady who gave me the job said there's another opening with better pay, but I have to stay there for 3 months.  So I said, heck why not, trying to get an engineering related job doesn't seem to be going anywhere.  It's like NO ONE wants fresh graduates!  So anyways, I guess now I'll be getting paid, erm... slightly larger peanuts.

I feel like my life is just starting, you know?  I may be older, but it doesn't feel like there's anything before now, apart from a lot of learning about the world and meeting people.  Ah well, off to a late start, but hopefully I can end late too!

Finally, I'm really bad at making friends online!  I really have no idea how people do it.  I tend to shy away from forums since my mind is normally blank when reading the pages upon pages of posts and not posting. XD  Everyone I know online, I think I've met in real life at some point or another.  It's strange!  If someone has a manual on meeting people online, it would be useful, to say the least.

Okay, time to sign out for now.  Good luck to everyone who has exams!  And good luck to everyone who doesn't have exams too!  XD
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