Quiet Few Days

Jul 10, 2008 14:49

These last few days have been pretty nice. It's been fairly quiet but with enough going on to keep me busy. :^)

Monday was our monthly get-together at the park with a bunch of people from the ward/neighborhood. I didn't have much of any one thing so I made a boxed salad and a box of pudding. hehe There weren't a lot of people there when we arrived but they trickled in over the evening. Karissa had an absolute blast playing with the other kids and I really enjoyed the time visiting with the other mom's there. It had been quite the day for her because we'd had Lexi and Nathan over most of the day as well.

Speaking of Lexi and Nathan, they got to find out that morning (part of why we had them to play) if they're getting a brother or sister. It's a boy!! They're all pretty excited. Even Lexi took it really well since she really had her heart set on a sister.

Tuesday night Karissa went to play with Ashley's kids while I took a much needed trip to the temple. It was the Deaf session, but when I got in there I wondered if maybe they'd changed it since there were no Deaf! They still had the video playing though so I was glad. It adds a whole new demention to the session.

Yesterday we got to have Ashley's boys over here to play for a bit while she worked on getting her house ready to sell. Part of me wonders why in the world I would help her out with such a thing since that means she'll be moving that much sooner. The other part of me would want the help if it were me. :^) Besides, even though I won't be seeing her at church anymore their new house will be phyically closer to us. :^) I hope that means we won't loose contact.

Today Allie is over. She is really driving me nuts with her lack of wanting a nap. This was the girl that would go climb up on my bed when I was singing to Karissa because she knew it was nap time. I'd finish with Karissa to find Allie already asleep. Those precious few weeks are now gone, apparently. I've spent the last 35 minutes trying to get her to sleep and it's not working so far. Karissa has decided that if Allie won't sleep, neither will she so even though she was almost out a few minutes ago, she is now refusing to lay down. Grrrr.

Despite all of that I love having her over and am not sure what I'm going to do from now on. Today is Kierstin's last day at work until a few months after this baby is born. Even though she's not due until September the process has already started. Allie was 6 weeks early so it's not a huge surprise, but still. They'd really much rather she go at least 4 more weeks which would get her to 36 weeks.

Wow...looking over that I suppose I haven't really had as quiet a few days as I had thought. :^)

allie, draneys, ashley, fhe, temple

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