May 10, 2005 13:15
Good afternoon!
It's 1:30 in the afternoon...and I'm still asleep. I mean I'm out of bed, I've driven a car, I'm at work, I've had 3 coffees, gone to lunch and came back even, but I'm STILL asleep.
Just wiped the hell out.
I was a waste of skin yesterday.
I came home after work and lounged through Malcom in the Middle and That 70's Show and was out like trout by the middle of The Simpsons.
On my way home I stopped off at a little tobacco shop off Lowry and University and ran into an old friend behind the counter.
Little Ethan from up in Duluth.
He's this little skateboard pothead dude I knew in college...and kinda down here a little bit too.
He's totally sweet and a very kind young man...
a total hottie too actually, honest to god...I never even realized it, but he could be The Muppet's twin's kinda eerie.
He's also a text book OCD nut job of a guy.
(He has to take at least three showers a day or he goes even crazier.) was pleasant bumping into him.
although I gave him my number...he's called four times in less than 24 hours.
It turns out he lives about five blocks away from me too.
--I sense headaches in my near future.
If anyone's got some Pzizer gift certificates to spare, please lemmee know.
He's harmless, just a little grating is all.
So...I'm just clock watching my way through the afternoon here until I can go to Brandy's and take a shower. (my water's shut off--which really blows.)
Then I'll probably watch some Gilmore Girls and hit the hay!
You've been nodding off with me, ImattV!