May 11, 2005 10:28
What a day!
Yesterday was LOOOONG.
Very VERY Long.
Today is no wlak in the park thus far.
Got home and watched Malcom in the Middle...(I think I'm addicted).
It's my favorite show on TV and 'Dewey' has become my favorite TV character.(although Reese is a close second)...and aside from my uncontrolable reactions to the name, image or thought of Vincent D'nofrio *blush*
I'm really NOT the kind of guy to get gaga about actor types...especially younger ones....(especially mostly hairless younger ones?)
BUT? at the risk of sounding like a 7th grade girl...?
I can honestly say out loud that, I think that Dewey's older brother Francis? (Chris Kennedy Masterson) a total Babe.
In fact, both he AND his real life brother Danny ('Hyde' from "That 70's Show)...are truly two of THE most beautiful guys I've ever seen in my life.(and I've seen a REALLY REALLY LOT of Beautiful People)...
*make's 'hubba hubba' gestures and sounds at the very thought*
Anyway...nuff o'that.
I then went to Brandy's for a shower and watched
The Gilmore Girls...Nothing too exciting.
I'm looking forward to the finale' next week.
Then we went up to Margie's for Friend's, Dharma and Greg and an amazing 'BLST' sandwich. (Bacon, Lettuce, SPINACH and Tomatoe?)
--Oh my gawd? That lil' Puerto Rican Princess can DO -IT- UP!!
I adore her.
Music. Movies and Food...we're like twins...
(only I don't speak Spanish very well or have a Vagina)
I went home and immediately to sleep.
I'm now here at Work and thinking of my beautiful sister Nancy.
as today is her birthday.
Happy Birthday Sister
-Love Brother.
And I just saw the new website for "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe"
WOW...It's pretty cool.
-I'll bet Disney's gonna have another MAJOR hit on their hands.
That's about it for now.
You've been wasting time w/me ImattV