eight [action/voice]

Feb 08, 2011 16:45

[When there is far too much on his mind (like now, like always), Mithos finds that it is somewhat helpful to go on long walks about the village. He tends to stick to the outskirts, where people are sparser. Better yet, he occasionally slips into the forest itself, where people are practically nonexistent. (Go ahead, prove him egregiously wrong ( Read more... )

what am friendship, now with 30% more internal monologue, he really is just a child (?), stop thinking about things, martelmartelmartel

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[Action] |Db also CURSE YOU HTML my_yoke_broke February 9 2011, 07:11:37 UTC
Cut it out, little guy!!

[That voice is from the sudden left of Mithos-inspection (aka turning one's head B|;;) would show a green-haired guy crouched down in front of a tree, swatting away a fox with a stick. While usually he runs from them, there are more important things to do in this crisis!

The tree he's guarding has a few scratch marks from the creature's claws; this is why he can't just flee. A tree is in trouble, you see!! D8]

Shoo, get out of here! Can't you tell you're hurting it?? Go on, get!


[Action] oh hey you 8D imatreenow February 9 2011, 22:05:49 UTC
[The yelling abruptly pulls Mithos from his brooding, which is something he doesn't quite appreciate, and he turns to evaluate its source.

Which is some loser brandishing a stick at an animal.

Just...this face. A derisive tch too.]


Re: [Action] 8D /juggles muses on a unicycle my_yoke_broke February 10 2011, 10:08:17 UTC
[Hey now, the animal's going away! To which Ian pats the trunk of the tree and beams.]

There ya' go! That ol' fox won't be scraping at you anymore...

[And after he's done inspecting the grooves where the fox had nicked away, he notices Mithos. Maybe the 'tch' gave him away. He tosses the stick down and starts to walk away from the tree.]

Ahaha, oh-uh, hey! How's it going? ...Nice weather we're having, and all that!


[Action] 8U /stares in awe imatreenow February 10 2011, 23:19:17 UTC
[And now he's talking to him. Should have kept walking. Ian, you are little more than a brain irritant. ...But a suitable target for aggression, too.]

As if I care about something so insignificant as the weather.


Re: [Action] /...while jumping through a hoop of fire <8^D my_yoke_broke February 11 2011, 04:19:58 UTC
[Blink, blink.]

Well, because you're surrounded by it! It's sort of an everyday thing, isn't it? I mean... I don't think it's possible to not have weather...



[Action] /WILD APPLAUSE imatreenow February 11 2011, 17:35:46 UTC

I'm also surrounded by disgusting humans every day. [He really wants to add "like you" to the end of this, but...what with the unusual hair color and the weird eyes, he isn't entirely sure what Ian is.] That does not mean I waste any of my attention on them.


Re: [Action] Thank you, thank you |D I do this all week! my_yoke_broke February 12 2011, 07:22:23 UTC
Eh-hey now! I know some people don't bathe as often as they should, but that's no reason to have such a mean tone to your voice, yanno. And besides, people don't rain on your head in the middle of April!

[Let's see how well Mithos handles idealistic stupidity.]


[Action] imatreenow February 12 2011, 20:47:43 UTC
[Not very, apparently. Actually...he doesn't even know what to say to that. Because...what?]

Are you completely stupid? It has nothing to do with bathing. Humans can clean themselves all they like; they'll still be filth on the inside.


Re: [Action] my_yoke_broke February 13 2011, 01:21:38 UTC

Well, yeah. They're made of organs and blood and all that gooey stuff! It's pretty nasty, so that only makes sense...

[He folds his arms, frowning.]

But still-you shouldn't talk about 'em like that! You might hurt someone's feelings!


[Action] imatreenow February 13 2011, 08:37:14 UTC
I care nothing for the feelings of such disgusting, destructive creatures. Don't be ridiculous.


Re: [Action] my_yoke_broke February 13 2011, 08:51:02 UTC
... Hey... They're not all bad.

Humans can be just as good as anything else!


[Action] imatreenow February 13 2011, 09:42:32 UTC
[Hey, he already told you: don't be ridiculous. You are breaking that right now!] Everything else is just as disgusting. The rest of the world is no different from humans - fearing, hating, destroying.

[...Actually, why is he even wasting his time arguing with this fool? He needs a far better outlet for his frustration. Out comes the sword, pointed at Ian's face in an instant. You have about five seconds to react before he starts swinging the blade at you.]


Re: [Action] my_yoke_broke February 13 2011, 09:53:07 UTC
[How about he just shrieks like a little girl and ducks to clumsily scramble under Mithos' arm and get away from that sword while stutter-yelling:]

H-hey! What the heck? I was just making chit-chat-if you didn't wanna talk, y'should've just said so! Crazy!


[Action] ...why does this always happen imatreenow February 13 2011, 20:28:13 UTC
[He's not letting you get anywhere, now that you're useful for something. The feeling of being cornered is one he loathes deeply, and what better way to handle it than taking it out on someone else? Mithos whirls around, swinging his sword in a swift arc.]

It should be obvious that I don't want to waste my time talking with a fool like you.


Re: [Action] Because my characters aren't grumpy little emo kids 3:^| my_yoke_broke February 13 2011, 21:58:31 UTC
[The sword runs a rather significant cut across his collar bone, but he's surprisingly unflinching at it--he seems more concerned, honestly, with what Mithos is spouting off.]

There's no reason to hurt people just because you're upset or something! Don't you realize you could really kill someone??

[He can't really hide much at this point, as the wound is already sealing right back shut. The only sign that Mithos had hurt him was a smooth cut in his shirt and a few meager bloodstains.]


[Action] YEAH, god dang it! 8| imatreenow February 14 2011, 22:53:32 UTC
Why should I care if I kill some worthless, insignificant human?

[Mithos notices that the laceration he made is already quickly vanishing. How did...? There was no incantation or anything to indicate magic, and healing magic doesn't even work that quickly. His brief surprise gives way to increased anger just as quickly, and he puts more of his strength into the next swing.]


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