eight [action/voice]

Feb 08, 2011 16:45

[When there is far too much on his mind (like now, like always), Mithos finds that it is somewhat helpful to go on long walks about the village. He tends to stick to the outskirts, where people are sparser. Better yet, he occasionally slips into the forest itself, where people are practically nonexistent. (Go ahead, prove him egregiously wrong.)

The New Feather cycle has ended. New arrivals stopped trickling in weeks ago, but he had clung to the hope that Martel would appear any day. Only recently has he accepted defeat. . -No, not accepted; he would never accept a world without his sister. It’s only temporary. Even so...the disappointment is relentlessly sharp, only exacerbated by the nature of the most recent shift.

But the waiting. The being unable to do anything.

He’s at the threshold of realizing that in this world even he is as helpless, has as little control, as anyone else. Realizing, but not accepting it. It is as he told Raine: the instant he stops fighting, it’s the same as abandoning Martel. A conundrum, a paradox. He can’t do anything, but he can’t do nothing either. He hasn’t felt so completely cornered since a time long past, before he ever became the great hero of legend, back when it was just him and Martel.

Then there are certain startling facts he has learned regarding what happened to the world after Lloyd defeated him. The implications. The hundreds of questions he still has.

And there is one more thing, something that remarkably has nothing to do with his sister. At some point in the afternoon, Mithos pauses to rest beneath a tree, taking out his journal. He stares down at it. Every time he takes a small step forward, every time he starts to let go and just freefall, the same doubts come rising up inside him. He opens the journal.]

[voice | filtered to Kaori - 100% unhackable]

.....Kaori? Can I...ask you something?

what am friendship, now with 30% more internal monologue, he really is just a child (?), stop thinking about things, martelmartelmartel

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