I'M GRADUATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 29, 2009 20:46

Well, my CAP group has triumphed. We modified our debatable question, represented, and had our action plan approved by the teachers. Oh, and Ms. Bailey's excited for our final presentation. She has a daughter in high school and our topic is financial aid, so she's hoping to learn stuff from us.

Basically...I'm going to graduate.

After at least a month of the government teachers telling my group that we were falling behind and in danger of not walking, it's a HUGE relief to know that we're succeeding. The stress level was just building up and up, especially with my lack of time due to Urinetown. Ahhhhhh.

I called my dad tonight, but his cell phone was off. I left him a message.

Anne was supposed to come over to pick up Urinetown tickets, but she wasn't feeling well. Bleh.

Play practice has been reduced this weekend. We're going 10-2 on Saturday and we now have Sunday off, but Alex still works 3-9 on Saturday and 9-9 Sunday. Dammit.

Certain people at practice were annoying me today. I HATE people who think that they are above the director. UGH.

Ah well, such is life.

Practice goes until 10 PM tomorrow. Save me!

good day, musical, stupid people, dad, cap, gov't, anne

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