In Need Of A Holiday

Mar 30, 2006 19:40

I am so effing glad it's Easter.  I am also so unbelievably tired...  Not sleepy, I can't sleep when I do go to bed, just achey and not having full use of my brain type tired.  As I was discussing with Pete earlier, any 30-year old feeling this much stress would be given at least a month off work.  Oh well, at least we get two lovely weeks full of nagging about revision and such >.<

Today was not how the last day of term should be..  Today involved collapsing on the floor and almost falling asleep, and much anger towards physics in general.  Ok, so maybe I should've got the c/w finished before today, but that doesn't explain why neither of the teachers were actually in school.  Why set a deadline and then not be there?!  Slightly beyond me..  Now I have to go back in tomorrow morning, which is stupid because I would've got it done for this morning, or yesterday, if I'd known.  Grrr *angry face*
Bumped into Pete and Emma on the way home, which cheered me up a little.  Apparently my hair in the wind looked like flagellum :D  Yay for flagellum..

In an attempt to relax and de-stress later I actually felt kind of arty, so went to rootle through my art box (big chest full of old paint tubes, scrumpled bits of paper, odd pastels etc.)  Felt like painting my warhammer Aragorn, but Adam has all the paints, so I got an old crass-stitch I'd started and carried on.  It's sort of sixties style, coloured hearts on a flower with "love" across the top.  Quite groovy, and really rather relaxing :)

art, school, stress, physics, cross-stitch, easter

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