Learning and lemurs

Dec 28, 2007 23:15

Hello world! I am at my desk learning to crochet so I can make little amigurumi animals! 8D (Amigurumi is a Japanese style of making plush critters by crocheting in a fluctuating spiral, so that when you're done and all the parts are stuck together, something like this happens.) AHHH. I decided yesterday that I was tired of seeing so many awesome amigurumi patterns for sale on Etsy that I was unable to make. After that, I plopped down, found some PDF tutorials, and now I have some yarn-born dragon muzzle forming on the end of a crochet hook. Exciting!

Today was rather fun~ I got to go to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch, where many (mostly ungulate) exotic species wander around on a 400-acre ranch. People drive through on a paved road and feed the critters as they romp around. They have gemsbok and axis deer and elk and gazelles and ZEBRA. <3 Lai got to watch me geek out in glee over huge cervidae slobbering all over my hand. I think I creeped him out a little. n 3n

They were in a separate, zoo-like enclosure the ranch has in the middle. Their faces are so small and sweet, and they have such delicate little hands~ :< I love them so much. There were three, and one (which was separated from the others) kept making a small, humming sound. I, of course, dork'd and hummed back, so it came over and I made a friend. :'3 Eeee~

OH. I was considering this a few days ago, and I'm still not sure if I have the will, but: I think it would be a good idea for the new year for me to start keeping a sketch diary. I'd draw something in it once a day (perhaps pertaining to what happened that day), and write a sentence or two journal-style. It doesn't really have to be true journal-style, as in "this is a picture of what I did today. :B", since I could also draw things I was thinking about and such. It would be good in not only forcing me to scribble more, but keep track of what I do or learn from day to day. :3 I'm still considering it, but we'll see where it goes. It would be neat to have a book of 365 little sketches by the end of the year!

Anyway, love you guys. <3 Sorry I don't LJ-post too much these days. Hoh hum.


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