'Sup LJ!

Mar 24, 2008 23:06

Whooo~ It's been a long time! I've been fine lately, having recovered from a failed job at the Target deli (I quit, it was horrid. I was very sad, I wanted my first job to be something nice and not hazardous to my health, at least). So, tomorrow I go in for an interview at SEA WORLD~! 8O

It's actually a second interview, I passed the first test I suppose, ahaha. It's for working in the education department for summer camp, to be exact! Ohoho SO FUN. I would be teaching kids about all kinds of wonderful sea critters, and getting to learn a lot in the process. This would also be awesome because I'll get to know a lot of the biologists and trainers, since there's a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff involved.

I've been really thinking I'd be so much happier going into zoology rather than straight art for future careers, so this will be wonderful. 8< I just love animals so damn much, and frankly... professional art kinda scares me. I mean, I LOVE ART, but to devote the whole rest of my life to just doing nothing but it, with the only purpose of doing so to make money and constant production... I don't think I'd like it. :< I'd much, MUCH prefer to go to college to primarily focus on animal sciences, with *some* art classes on the side. I still want to progress with my art, and I actually want to use it in the future in conjunction with what I learn about animals, to teach other people. Illustrated books and such. I just really don't think I would be very happy surviving solely on my art alone, plus I just think animals need so much more help. So many people just don't seem to care about them like I do. :C

Hoh hum. Wish me luck. ♥
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