FUN STUFF! *vomit*

Oct 28, 2007 00:16

AAHHGHG. Okayso, two days ago Lai bought Portal for me, a very cool puzzle game involving shooting portals and using them to navigate a complicated terrain. I have had INCREDIBLE fun with it, as everything you do is very rewarding once you figure it out. It's challenging, yet never seems impossible. I usually really hate puzzle games for the frustration factor, but Valve (developers) somehow managed to pin this game down. However... This game makes me want to throw up.

Motion sickness. I usually NEVER experience it, no matter what game I play or what I do. I don't get carsick, or even feel dizzy after going on the craziest roller coasters in existence. BUT OOPS, I encounter a game where you can jump in the floor and fall out a wall 30 feet away, and I nearly puke after 30 minutes of that! This is horrible. XD

The strange thing is that the nausea seems to last FOREVER. I played for 30 minutes today, stopped at 6 PM when I started to feel ill again, and even now at 12:24 AM, I still feel pukey. Does motion sickness usually last that long? Lai suggested that I might just be sick sick, but it really seems like Portal's causing it. I hope it's not portal, since I can't stop playing. :< It's like having horrible seasickness, but loving the ocean. I keep going back.

Booooh. I love you, companion cube. I need to finish this game even if I lose my internals in the process.
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