Wonder Of My World (9/?)

Dec 23, 2007 09:45

Title: Wonder Of My World (9/?)
Authors: cammissbloom & woodsbaile_02
Characters/Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Steve Carlson, Christian Kane
Word Count: 2,973
Disclaimers: We don’t own these people, they own themselves. None of this ever happened and, alas, the couple is not real. None of this was meant as an offence to anyone. We’re just pretending, folks.
Notes: (1) Story and chapters titles and quotes all coming from various Steve Carlson’s songs.
Summary: Something’s wrong with Jensen, and he makes a point not to tell Jared what is it. But when Jared finds out anyway, his reaction surprises even Jared himself.

chapters warning: this chapter is not betaed!

Chapter 1 - Tell You A Tale | Chapter 2 - On The Road | Chapter 3 - Kinda Crazy These Days | Chapter 4 - I Could Never Say… | Chapter 5 - Losing My Mind | Chapter 6 - What You’re Running From | Chapter 7 - Moving Along | Chapter 8 - Between A Lover And A Friend

banner made by the lovely titheniel

Chapter 9 - I Asked For Help From Above @ spirit_boys


PS:. Sorry for the delay!

womw, fic, woodsbaile_02, cammissbloom, wonder of my world

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