...and Heaven recieves one more angel...

Jan 25, 2008 13:08

Heatcliff Andrew Ledger

1979 - 2008

.we'll miss you and your incredible talent.

::inmemoryofheath. it's worth to be a part of it::

From lady_bluefairy's lj:

"I'm too fucking angry to even write properly, so I'll just point you in the right direction (even though I assume you're already aware of this):

Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket Heath Ledger's funeral

This is just so sickening, and so wrong.

Please, take a moment and sign the petition to shut down their site, it's time to stop these people. I don't know if it will work, but I think it's worth trying.

Here's the petition"

Also, from sepiastars's comment to this post in x5vale's livejournal:

"Almost as disgusting as the radical Christian groups' picketing flyer that's going around is this portion of John Gibson's FoxNews radio show from yesterday (I think it was yesterday). He refers to Heath Ledger as a "weirdo" and a "drug addict," and after playing Ledger's famous "I wish I could quit you" line from Brokeback Mountain says, "Well, he figured out how to quit you." He also continues to allege that Heath committed suicide, which, like most of what Gibson says, just hasn't been proven. And even so, it's a sad thing, not a thing to make fun of.

It's deplorable. Disgusting. Infuriating. And at the least, irresponsible journalism.

I've sent an angry email to Mr. Gibson and to the show's producer, and I suggest everyone else who thinks this was inappropriate do the same, and demand an apology to Ledger's friends, family and fans. I'm so appalled at the world today.

I'm a Republican, but this radical group and Mr. Gibson make me want to vote Democrat out of spite. Sorry wastes of human life.

You can listen to Gibson's comments here, and you can contact both the show and the producers here. Please do so if you're as angry as I am."

Please take action.

heath ledger, angry as fuck, take action, petition, r.i.p, respect, depressed

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