i met these kids at my hostel in kyoto,....we were all heading towards tokyo on the same day so we decided to travel together....actually, simon wasn't supposed to be going to tokyo, but it was snowing in kyoto so there was no point in staying there so he decided to join the party
i had so much fun i went back with tim....i found tim wandering the streets near our hotel on my way home from shibuya with his massive suitcase that i later had the privlege of lugging the two miles to the asakusa police station....why the police station? because thats where tim spent the majority of his time in japan
see...tim decided to wear sweatpants out....(not to say i told you so, but I did tell him to put on jeans to go out) anyway, he saw starbucks in the distance and naturally got excited and started running towards it.....being in a drunken state he fell and with the fall, down came his pants....he proceeded to get up off the ground (pantless) and head into starbucks to order a grande drip....the only thing he got served however, was jail time....
i went to the jail each morning and drank large amounts of coffee with my two interpreters...we talked about brad pitt, keanu reeves, and how one of the girls got fat because she lived in america for a year and ate at Wendy's everyday...oh yeah, and we also talked about trying to get tim out of jail in time for happy merry christmas
see, they thought the whole situation was very funny and everyone laughed whenever tim's "important parts" were being discussed....the problem was, they had to follow formal procedure which included me not being able to talk to tim until meeting with the head prosecutor which normally takes weeks....we had to write notes to eachother back and forth as our main communication
i told them i was heading back to america with or without tim....they said that if i left, then tim wouldn't have a guardian and without a guardian at the court appearance, he wouldn't be released...i said "well, i guess you're going to have to keep him"....i think they got nervous and sped up the procedure .....tim was a high maintence prisoner with his demands for chapstick, a treadmill, and food other than white rice
i got to ride in the cop car to the court....they gave me a tour of the ginza district and i took some pictures.....i should have taken pictures of tim arriving at the courthouse shackled at the ankles with the other japanese criminals but it just wasn't as funny at the time as it is now...the prosecutor laughed at him, waived the fine and told him to enjoy his last day in japan....
we celebrated tim's release at a sushi bar
no tim!! come back!!
harajuku was my favorite, this bakery only sold panda faces, but they were too cute to eat!
mister donut had the world's best coffee....not really, but they did have the world's best coffee trays
there was a fair going on across the street from out hotel....a bunch of school children were there and this girl and i had the same coat...i got excited
they had lots of outdoor food stands and we tried a bit of everything....tim's favorite were the muti-colored bananas
this is the river i ran along in kyoto
we had a hard time explaining to people that we weren't boyfriend/girlfriend....even though we did sleep side by side everynight on fold up mats
i took so many photos of all the shrines, rivers, buildings, views, mt fuji. etc...but i'm not posting those because i'm lazy and if you want to know what japan looks like, then go get a travel book, i'm pretty sure their pictures are better than mine anyway.