Home after the psych exam and the initial interview. One more test! The clinical one. Which means I have to get off after this and study on cardiology (you're probably tired of me saying this, I am too XD). The psych exam was, well, it was a psych exam. How do you fail that? The bio-profile was annoying though. They had around 50 phrases and you have to fill them up with the first thing that comes to your mind. One of which was My sexlife ______ and I was just so damn tired of writing and thinking of what to fill up the rest of the blanks that I just wrote 'is nonexistent.' :D I don't think I did too well with the interview though. I don't think I sounded as articulate as I usually am.
Anyway. LOL, I'm amused at how I can sort of follow the World Cup just from reading my flist. There is Italy winning, and a headbutt by Zidane or some other and winning because of penalty shots...I am so following the next one.
This is mostly a reference for myself, but I lovelovelove
yuying_luo for making a list of commendable D/Hr fics from the recent fic exchange over at
List is here! If you have your own list, please share!
I still have a few posts to read that I think I may want to comment on, but I'm really sleepy here, so maybe tomorrow. Might make an input on
imaginaryalice's project for Developmental Psychology
here. /personal note
After tomorrow's exam, I'm getting started on the headers I've promised people I'd make for them. And a wallpaper for someone because she's awesome. :D
POTC: Dead Man's Chest on Wednesday!!!
ETA: Updated the Draco/Hermione fics rec'ed on the
hpficmasterlist found
HERE. Thanks for everybody who's been giving me a heads up on the latest additions! There are 81 fics now, and 40 of those with 5 comments. :)
Intelligent and insightful, you are a gifted individual, who although may sometimes be buried in academic affairs, is friendly and welcoming.
I don't know why, don't ask. I took it twice too, slightly altering my answers. Heh.