Why, of all days, must it be persistently rainy and cloudy when I have to go out to watch POTC: Dead Man's Chest and Dad took my SUV? I can't drive stick shift because my nerves get all frazzled, and Dad would get postal if I drive his car. So I have be bringing an umbrella, run the risk of getting wet and every bad thing that happens when it's raining. Fuck you, rain.
See? It spites me, because it started pouring just now. Hate.
TO-DO List for me, so just skip this
- header: alexi_lupin
- header: lenabee (which is a surprise but psh :D)
- save Alias episodic promotional photos
- save Dead Man's Chest photos
- icon set (& banner set?) for lumos_conjure
- wallpaper: Alias, Dead Man's Chest (?)
- save Emily Browning photos
- Demelza Robins escriven app
fierytempest, I have some Narnia idea to share with you. It got me a little excited last night, but after a sleep, it looks like a lot of work. But I'll tell you anyway. :D Which reminds me -- d'you think it's time we start another round of
PEOPLE ON MY FLIST! You are on my flist for a reason. Tis because I'd love to get to know you and and form friendships and such but timezones are The Evil (yes, it warrants capitalization). There are some people I'd love to ask for their mobile numbers but that might sound a tad bit stalkerish. So! My mobile number is open for anyone on my flist who wants it, so long as you give me yours in exchange. :D I'll be asking you to screen it because well, why would you want to share it with the world? :P
I noticed some people have me friended and I don't know why, so I haven't friended back. That 'Friend of' list is now nearly 200 (granted, at least 20 to 30 of those are probably abandoned journals), but I feel a tiny bit bad that people are reading my nonsense. I reckon I was friended for the graphics, but I haven't been posting any lately, so there goes the feeling a little bad (although I don't dwell on it because I rarely dwell on anything XD).
So I'd just like to ask why you friended me and do you want me to friend you back? And if you're just here for the (insanely sporadic post with) graphics --
Poll Not that I'm promising I can get to them (and get to them soon, because I have four graphic things to do at the moment), but whatever comes up most, I'll try my best to dish it out for you guys. :) Just forget the icons because I am not friends with the 100x100 canvas lately.
Whee! Off to get prepared for a day with friends at the movies! :D
Big fucking EDIT: I hate the rain so, so much. It decided to go all wacko and pour hard after I took a shower so we all had to cancel out. No POTC for today. *shakes fist at the sky* !!!!