OOTP film being shortened? Yeah, that's a good idea...NOT!

Apr 15, 2007 15:32

I was just checking out some of the HP news sites, seeing what's going on with HP and I came across an article that talked about how the running time for teh latest HP film, OOTP is being shortened so as to "avoid a Grindhouse type flop".


That makes no sense whatsoever! The fact that Grindhouse flopped at the box office is because no one could figure out wtf kind of movie it was...is it a horror flick? Acion movie? Satire? I really don't think it was the long running time that turned people off. HELLO!

Of course even if Grindhouse's problem was the fact that it was 3 hours long, why do the makers of the HP films think that OOTP audiences will be turned off by a long running time? Personally I think most of the HP movies have been far too short!

OOTP is a complex story with a LOT of content and making it 2 1/2 or even 3 hours long doesn't seem excessive to me. And, considering the large amount of scenes that have already been left OUT of the movie (according to those who viewed the advance screenings) I really don't think cutting MORE of the movie is going to be a good move.

Call me bitter and pessimistic but I would be willing to bet that even more of the few scenes that Ginny is actually in will end up on the cutting room floor. I'm sure nothing will happen to any of the Hermione or Luna scenes, but Ginny, once again (and probably Ron) will get the shaft. MARK MY WORDS!!!!

And Daniel Radcliffe's comment that basically if audiences miss anything "they can
just read the books" is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Who the fuck does he thinks are the majority of people SEEING these movies? People who read the books, that's who! So, yeah, we have read the books and that is the point! We know what we are missing! We are looking forward to seeing a lot of our favorite bits from the books brought to life on screen and when they chop the shit out of the book why the hell should we be happy about it?

FRAK! I hate when fandom pisses me off!

harry potter, rant, hp

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