Charges dropped in Duke Lacrosse case! FINALLY!!!!!!

Apr 11, 2007 16:11

Just read on the local news website that all charges against Colin Finnerty, Reade Seligmann and David Evans have been dropped and it's about damn time! I am really relieved to see that these three boys are finally going to be able to start to get their lives back. Now all that remains is for Mike Nifong to have his sorry ass disbarred or better yet, disbarred and put in jail himself!

I really hope that the woman who accused these boys (who clearly has had some serious mental issues in her past) is able to get her own life together. Because even though these three boys didn't rape her, it's possible someone did and there is no way that we'll ever know because this case was so fucked up from the beginning.

All in all, though, I am really pleased that the charges were dropped. It just sucks that these boys had their reputations, and their lives ruined because Mike Nifong wanted to garner votes from the black community.

Mike Nifong SUCKS!

duke lacrosse, rant

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