Poetry Fix

Jul 20, 2008 20:45

ENTRY  April 28

Because  hate is legislated . . . written into

the primer and testament,

shot into our blood and brain like vaccine or vitamins

Because our day of time, of  hours --- and the clock-hand turns,

closes the circle upon us; and black timeless nitght

sucks us in like quicksand, receives us totally ---

without a raincheck or a parachute, a key to heaven or the last long look

I need love  more than ever now . . . I need your love,

I need love more than hope or money, wisdom or a drink

Because slow negative death withers the world and only yes

can turn the tide

Because love has your face and body . . . and your hands are tender
and your mouth is sweet ---- and God has made no other eyes like yours.

from This is My Beloved by Walter Benton

These lines just kill me:

- or the last long look
- and only yes can turn the tide

My guests are late so I thought I'd throw this out into the world. I love this author. I think he's had a big influence on my writing. He only wrote two books of poetry. One I haven't been able to get into (took place during WWII) and the other is more of a journal and it ends on a rather depressing note. But his adoration of the woman who is the subject is unrelenting and beautiful.

For someone as happy go lucky and optimistic as I am, I seem to gravitate towards the melancholy. The universe's great balancing act perhaps. But, I love the first half of this guy's book.

On another note, I've been trying to post over at ff.net and - erg - I can't get my file to upload! I'm thinking of throwing in the towel. So that means I post at CG, GE, and aff.net. Am I missing any important ones?

walter benton, poetry fix, this is my beloved

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