Cool Beans!

Jul 20, 2008 19:14

A reviewer wants to do a trailer video for Claiming Hermione! I'm so stoked! And
annemoliver made me a banner! I'm feeling rather loved upon right about now.

I think the trailer should wait til after the first sex scene though, so the full flavor of the story is there. Alas, right now, I'm feeling a little lost with it. Draco is still himming-and-hawing despite having kissed Hermione within an inch of her life, and I'm ready to move on. *sigh*

I was wonderfully distracted by
dynonugget's More Than Anything. It was so sweet and heartwarming and moved so effortlessly. I've got a lot to learn, me thinks.

Okay, need to go do a marathon speed cleaning before my dinner party in an hour...

claiming hermione, annemoliver, more than anything, dynonugget

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