Awesome Weekend

Mar 17, 2008 11:14

I heart
dirtiran. She gave me Emmy Rossums album. It's so pretty, so damn pretty. All breathy and airy. Reminds me a lot of Imogen Heap but I prefer Emmy's stuff. At first it was weird hearing her sing like this as I'm used to her in Phantom of the Opera. But I have quickly adjusted.

I've had a very fun three days. Spent Friday with the bf, playing games. Then Saturday met up with him again, trolled the city looking for a birthday present for my mama. Met up with Dirty and 
atateatarin at a Scientology protest. That was interesting. I was there to just observe. Never been to an actual protest before. Anyway, wandered off again in search of a toilet, which led my bf and me down to the botanical gardens where we stayed for a couple of hours, waiting for the sun to set. We got attacked by a cockatoo who wanted our pistachio nuts. Then the garden was closing so we sat around on the Opera House steps watching the world go by. There were some amusing girls doing headstands, and posing for photos at the Opera House. Then came the most fun part of the day, heading over to the MCA to meet up with our clan mates whom we play online with. I've met three of them before so everyone else was strange to me. It amuses me how you can know people but not actually know what their first names are or even what they look like. And yet the few that were there at the time were still easy to spot. I got to meet my PowerFang which I'm totally chuffed about. We then walked around and around looking for somewhere to eat. They ended up settling for McDonalds, lol. So much for having a nice dinner. I ended up just having ice cream from Copenhagen. Then we all looked for a pub to hit. Phenom had a shirt on which insinuated that anyone standing beside him likes certain male bits of anatomy which did prevent us from getting into some pubs, lol! But then we found one and hung out there until everyone else left, leaving our group there. Being with a bunch of geeky boys was fun. They all declared it was a triumphant pub stack when the last group left, due to them having taken over the jukebox. Click on this link for all the photos: Co-Opp DInner Photos. There's a lot of people in there, only half of whom I actually remember what their screen names are. I think the only thing you need to know is that the guy in the red shirt if PowerFang. Weeeeeeeee!!! I love these guys, they are all kooky.

I was really, really tired and since I had alcohol without having any proper food in my stomach I got even more tired and all red in the face. My bf and I left at 10:30-ish. Everyone said their last good-byes to him. There was a lot of man-hugging. And then we were off to find a bus to go back to his place, watch some LOST and then sleep.

On Sunday we went and saw Run, Fat Boy, Run. Was a very lovely, feel good movie. I greatly enjoyed it.

So I had a very nice three days.

Today I'm going to a movie marathon night at Em's place. Wonder how many movies we'll get through, lol!

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I just got a parcel in the mail. Music CD's and a letter from a friend. Awwwww, it's made my day! I love receiving mail which doesn't consist of bills or stuff you had to pay for, yourself like on eBay. Friends are FTW!!!

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photos, life, best night ever, important moments

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