This is a late entry. I had already posted this like a week or two ago but it just came back as a saved draft.
WOW!!! I just found out that Evan Tanner has recently passed away. This is really sad news to me being that I have watched him fight in the UFC and he is a remarkable fighter. I couldn't believe how much of an amazing fighter he is. What an unbelievable tragedy. When I think about how he died the only thing that comes to mind is Christopher McCandless. McCandless traveled the US and eventually ended up dying in Alaska. "After graduating in 1990 from
Emory University, McCandless ceased communicating with his family, gave away his savings of $24,000 to
OXFAM and began traveling, later abandoning his car and burning all the money in his wallet. In April 1992, Jim Gallien gave McCandless a ride to the
Stampede Trail in Alaska. There McCandless headed down the snow-covered trail to begin an odyssey with only ten pounds of rice, a
.22 caliber rifle, a camera, several boxes of rifle rounds, some camping gear, and a small selection of literature-including a field guide to the region's edible plants, Tana'ina Plantlore. He took no compass or map. He died sometime in August, and his decomposed body was found in early September by moose hunters."
Evan Tanner went on small journies into the wild as well but he went into he desert. McCandless of course went into the depths of the cold to try to conquer the wild. I guess Tanner went on these journies because he wanted to find some sort of clarity in his life. One of the things that I recently found out about Tanner is that he used to hang out with all of his fans that he came across, he would drink with them, and also eat with them around him. That is awesome. A lot of people would probably say that they wouldn't have time to do these kind of things with their fans but Tanner was all about it.