Sep 19, 2008 15:57
I have found a gym partner. I have been working out with him for 2-3 weeks now. We have a solid routine and the more that we work out the more we adjust our workout. I am steadily progressing and loving the fact that I am toning up and getting stronger. I can't really tell right now how well it is working but I can feel it. In regards to my physical training, I have been doing that everyday for the past 3 weeks. The exercises vary from 5 mile run, 3 mile run, 3 mile indian run (sprinting from the back of a single file line up to the front), 1/4 mile sprints for 2 1/2 miles, various circuit courses and of course our physical fitness test which is a 3 mile run, 100 crunches in 2 minutes, and at least 3 pull ups. So far I haven't really been losing weight at all because it is too early to tell. I am maintaining weight really well though and it seems like I am cutting fat like crazy. I can deal with being a solid 180 lbs stud. Lol.
End Update:
Right now I am dealing with a whole different monster that has me the angriest that I have ever been. My blood is boiling at the very thought of what is happening. This one Marine has been in and out with his decisions about being in the Marine Corps. He decides to reenlist and gets his reenlistment points. He is ahead of me for promotion and his is getting promoted next month (October 1st). The only thing that bothers me about this is the fact that I have gotten yelled out thousands of times for this Marine not contributing to my division and it made me look bad and he is getting promoted before me. That fucking squadron that I was at changed. When MALS-29 came back from their deployment, it was as if they didn't even know who I was anymore. They didn't care. Then they got in the groove of things and started working after all of their combat vacations. Shortly after this I was outcasted and I felt like I was just there taking up space. This was the cause of me being so irrate all of the time. I would pop up every now and then when they wanted to say something negative. They didn't credit me for work that I completed. One of the Sgts there even had the audacity to tell me that he couldn't trust me with high priority tasks because he hasn't seen how I work. This coming from a guy who they said was shit hot when in fact he was the biggest idiot that I have met.
This Marine that is getting promoted ahead of me shouldn't be getting it. I give him props for having a better physical fitness test score but I hate the fact that he is getting promoted. All that work that he refused to do and then they praise him. FOR WHAT!!!!!! He was the coolest mother fucker ever when they got back from their deployment. Meanwhile they sent my ass with a squadron by myself in order to miss the first few months of Damien's life because it really doesn't matter all that much. This is what my higher ups told me before I deployed. I have never hated the Marine Corps. I have only hated the Marines that let things like this happen. These are the very reasons that people get out of the Marines. They can't stand the bullshit any longer and they just give up and get out. One of my friends is pretty much drinking himself to death because that is the only way that he can cope with the things that Marines have done to him over the course of his career. He won't be able to see his wife and child until those Marines overseas let his wife change her duty station to here which will be in May. They value her too much to lose her there. Don't mind my rambling but note that this will not be forgotten. This has been embedded in my heart forever and I am going to change this. I will change it for future Marines...