Mar 02, 2014 21:46
So I convinced myself that I was okay with shaving for the long and short term future and would teach myself after this week, when there's a break. I planned to start T again on Friday. . . and then I didn't. I got into the loop of "but I don't need it" and got stuck. I miss feeling sure of myself. I've been so swamped with work because I'm unable to set priorities and get anything done. I can't seem to get out of it and don't like the idea that T will help. On the other hand, I remember that feeling of calmness that I got when I first started T, like all the noise in my head of panicking over every little fucking thing was finally silenced. (I can't even focus enough to write, here or in my paper journal.) I've been feeling really terribly about my body for the past week, in part because I'm bleeding, although I like to think I usually handle it better than this. I want that peace back, but I can't seem to make a decision about the cure for my indecisiveness! If I'm not enjoying this break from T (and I definitely am not), why can't I just end it? I'm gonna go hate myself offline now.