Mar 01, 2006 10:44
Stephen and I were talking last night, and he made a comment about how he didn't think we should open any wedding gifts until after we're married. Not just not use them, but actually leave them in the boxes they're shipped in. I was under the impression that you should open them immediately, because you're supposed to send Thank You notes as soon as you get them. The work-around I thought of was, look at the box, and if I can figure out who it came from, send them a generic note saying "thanks, I haven't opened it yet, I'll send you a real thanks once I do" and then send out a second round all at once. Then I realized that most of the boxes likely won't have the sender's name on the outside, since they'll come directly from the company. Some companies will give you a list of who purchased what gift, so you can send out thank yous if someone didn't put their name on the inside either. This solution would require me to get a list from the company every week or three, which might start bothering them if a person has to do it instead of a computer, and then resisting the temptation to look at what gift is listed next to the person's name. And at the same time, I can kind of understand the idea of not opening the gifts until after the wedding. It's like when someone mails you a Christmas present, and you save it so you can open it on Christmas.
What makes sense to do? Either gut instinct what feels right, or what's less effort.