2008 Round-up of Fic & Art

Jan 01, 2009 20:20

Because my arms are sore from playing Wii Sports and Guitar Hero and organization makes me feel productive today.

The odd thing here is that while I completely failed hard on writing this year -- due to having a bad case of writer's block that began in May, right when I started having family problems -- and REALLY wanted to write more... the word count for everything below comes out to around 85,000 words. Minus 20k since I bugged the crap out of co-wrote Big Bang with Reg so... that's like about 60k, I guess. I forgot? Huh. Oh, ATLTC. I love you so.

2008 Stories


Downhill From Here - Gen, ~580 words. AU. Crossover with Willow

15% Restocking Fee - Sam/Dean, NC-17. 1,640 words.

All That's Left To Chart - Jared/Jensen, Jared/Chad, Jensen/Sandy. NC-17. ~36,000 words. AU. Bodyswap.

make your mother sigh - Sam/Dean. R. ~1,790 words. Mpreg.

Lend Me Your Comb - Sam/Dean. PG-13. ~680 words.

in disguises no one knows - Sam/Dean, Minor Dean/OMC and Dean/OFC, ~40,000 words. Genderswap. Co-written with regala_electra.

Lost in Your Own Wonderland - Jared/Jensen. R. 2,250 words.

Ficlets: [ Reindeer!Sam & Snowman!Dean | Crack cliché ficlets | Scarred!Sam & Blind!Dean ]

Even though I was blocked as far as fic is concerned, I managed to make a lot of art. And headers. (the weekly stuff for ohnokripkedidnt; headers for jsquared_rps, fromperdition, and j2_everafter...ahhh, I've lost count? Heh.) I got to make the logo for this year's winchestercon! That was fun. :) Besides doing that, I started posting my SPN icons over at twofortheroad.

I did manage to art a lot of fandom tropes and cool things though. Bodyswap, mpreg, wing!fic, genderswap, drag, and vampires.

2008 Art Round-up


Various DC Comics superheroes & bonus genderswap Sam/Dean


Wallpaper & Icons - Dean & the Crossroads Demon: 'Standing At The Crossroads'

Fanart - Jensen Ackles: 'Pin Up'

Jared, Sandy, Jensen engagement crack art

Wallpapers - SPN & J2: 'Temptation' & 'Red Carpet'

Indiana Winchester

Wallpaper - SPN: 'and pull us through'

Fanart & Wallpapers - Supernatural: 'Near Dark'

Fanart & Wallpaper - Supernatural: 'Fight to Survive'

Xena!Sam & Joxer!Dean

Fanart & Wallpaper - Supernatural: 'How The Winchesters Saved Christmas'

Fanfiction Art/Mixed Media

Art and Soundtrack for my story, All That's Left To Chart (Jared/Jensen, NC-17).

Artwork for The Seahorse (Jared/Jensen, NC-17) by memphis86.

Artwork for If I recall correctly, you mentioned a Conflict of Interests (Jared/Jensen, NC-17) by keepaofthecheez.

Resolution for '09? MORE FIC. Maybe a healthy balance of fic and art. Or something.

ughhh so sorrrre.

fic round-up, art round-up

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