Wallpaper & Icons - Dean & the Crossroads Demon: 'Standing At The Crossroads'

Jan 29, 2008 21:49

'Cause these things pop into my head when I'm supposed to be working on other things looking at new stills from Crossroad Blues. My first attempt at making a Jensen & Sandy manip and whaddya know, it turns out to be Dean & the Crossroads Demon. *headdesk* AU indeed. But interesting AU. Whatever, J2 & Sandy plot bunnies, go!

1024 x 768 / 1280 x 800 / 1280 x 1024 / 1440 x 900

Lyrics from "Crossroads" by Cream. Original manip here

Please credit me if you use the manip in icons. Otherwise (such as the case of a larger art), ask me first. Thanks!


Comment, credit, no hotlinking. Textless icons are not bases.

icons: supernatural, art: desktops, icons, art: manips, art

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