To the vet

Oct 05, 2009 13:36

So my little furry monster has had a sort of allergy for as long as I've known him but it always went away on it's own. These last weeks he had been licking his fur out again and now developed a wound from it so I made an appointment with the vet.

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thecaretaker October 5 2009, 14:51:54 UTC
How old is Mickey anyway?

Missy is innocent enough to be tricked into her travel basket easily. All I do is thread her playing rope through the spokes and then pull the end of the thread into the basket from the outside, if you know what I mean. And she's perfectly still in the car because she's basically too scared to do anything.

At the vet she relaxed though, apart from when the vet picked her up to put her on the scales. She does NOT like to be in the air, so she started scratching the vet :p

Mickey in your lap, one kitty on your left, on on your right. Both hands busy petting the kittens. Everyone happy.


iflie October 5 2009, 15:08:52 UTC
He's at least 15 now so he's going to be needing more treatments in the coming years ( ... )


thecaretaker October 6 2009, 16:37:48 UTC
15 is rather a nice age for a cat.

Missy is still young, just over 4 years, so she still has the energy and the need to play. But she's a quiet cat usually, though getting more and more lively still. Last week she didn't even hide under the sofa or my bed when I had people over.

I doubt she'd do well with other cats though. She likes her peace and quiet. She spend most of today lying next to me on the sofa on the blanket, while I was under it (I'm sick at home).


iflie October 6 2009, 17:35:08 UTC
I wish I knew his age more exact but at least I kind of know what I'm in for. He's gotten rather skinny last year so we are going to keep an eye on that, I'm thinking I'll probably go to the vet again in 6 months and have them weigh him to make sure he's staying healthy enough for his age ( ... )


thecaretaker October 6 2009, 18:39:00 UTC
Yeah. Old cats, like old people, need regular checkups.

She has her 'mad hour' twice a day, but she's calm during the rest of the day. Though ofcourse I have no idea what she's like when I'm at work.

It's good that he plays on his own. Why does he like to play with white socks specifically?

Missy just prefers my blanket to her own I think. She usually lies down next to me when I'm sitting or lying on the sofa. She's a nice kitty like that.

It might have been. Started feeling fevery in the train back last night and woke up this morning with a fever of 38.4 and a troubled stomach. Not the usual flu signs luckily.


iflie October 6 2009, 20:09:31 UTC
I find cats like an audience when they play quite often, they really are quite social even when playing alone ( ... )


thecaretaker October 7 2009, 12:22:03 UTC
Ofcourse cats like an audience. It strengthens their belief they're the cutest things on Earth. But the fact that he plays alone without him knowing you are watching is a good sign (unless he ofcourse DOES know and just fools you by pretending he doesn't know. Cats are tricky bastards)

Wear thick socks underneath.. or those worker socks with Kevlar in them :p

She doesn't prefer my food actually. I wonder if I'm a bad cook or just don't make good catfood.

Our cats never did that sitting down play thing. They were well behaved and sat down next to us :p

Well.. flu usually goes with sore throats which I don't suffer from. Planes are well known to be a cesspool of everything you can imagine, so I probably caught a bug. It was a cheap flight, so probably not as clean as a KLM one. They had about 30 minutes to clean the plane between offloading people and getting us on.


iflie October 7 2009, 13:04:02 UTC
Well, it was a windy day so the leaves were very tempting in the smooth grass lawn of the neighbours front yard. he was there to use the little strip of well tilled earth on the edges of it for his ehm personal needs lol ( ... )


thecaretaker October 7 2009, 15:19:16 UTC
Cats are easily distracted. :p

Good point. Kevlar probably won't do too well against catpaws. Tried a decent medieval harness yet? Missy doesn't bite or use her claws (which is a good thing because they are razor sharp). She's docile like that. She's also not that playful apart from her two crazy hours and just after I got home from work.

Missy shows interest when I accidentally drop something on the floor. But it's more of a sniff and then deciding it's not edible (too spicy probably).

It's a good thing Missy doesn't go outside. No opportunity to bring me mice.

Well.. cheap flights mean they have to save money somehow, or try to put more flights in a day. Which usually leads to poorer quality of everything surrounding the flight. Like having to pay 2 pounds for a small can of coke during the flight. Or saving money on the cleaning crew.

I don't feel like I have the flu, so I doubt I have it :p The Mexican flu is apparently rather similar to the good ol' flu, just worse, from what I've read.


iflie October 7 2009, 15:40:33 UTC
Two hours are a long time for a cat anyway, they are the sprinter type hunter. It's mainly their mind that has to be occupied and playing is good for that. Plus the satisfaction of the chase and catch means she wont be prone to behaviour problems like many indoor cats ( ... )


thecaretaker October 7 2009, 16:14:10 UTC
Good thing cats can't read clocks then. I never tasted cat nor dogfood, so I'll take your word on the salt think :p

Missy prefers a particular type of dried catfood part out of the Whiskas dried catfood bag. She will eat them first and then start on the regular bits :p They're called Whiskas Temptations and she loves them.
Missy is not the adventuring type, not even food-wise.

KLM is definitely not a rich airline these days, but at least they maintain a certain quality level.

I'm amazed by the whole hyping of mexican flu. It's not like it kills more people so far then normal flu. Or driving your car. And no one complains about that too much.


iflie October 7 2009, 16:29:34 UTC
I read somewhere the extra salt was so cats would drink enough water, so they wouldn;t get as many kidney isues they are prone to. But dogs can't eat too much catfood because it's not good for them, maybe the salt has something to do with that ( ... )


thecaretaker October 7 2009, 16:56:42 UTC
That makes sense, the salt thing. And cat food is supposedly rather healthy compared to some of the junk us humans eat :)

Missy gets one flavour of dried catfood, but it consists of more than one type if you know what I mean. And she gets wet catfood as wel, Whiskas as well, 4 or 5 different flavours in one 12 pack box. She's a rather spoiled kitty :p

Fear itself is rather strange. Humans are usually too curious for their own good. "Let's spilt up and find the axe wielding murderer" :p, but we're scared of things like a simple spider.

With all the 'oh my god, we're all going to die' deceases in the last few years, I'm not scared that much by a new one.

I've seen enough post apocalyptic movies to know how to kill mutant zombies :p


iflie October 7 2009, 18:46:07 UTC
I don't even dare to speculate at what parts of the animal they use for petfood. But it's true it can't be all that worse than what they put in a chicken nugget from McDonalds ( ... )


thecaretaker October 7 2009, 19:31:33 UTC
Apparently rather good parts. It's a very strictly regulated industry. They just don't put in that much :p

Kitty happily eats her food and doesn't appear to want much else. At the moment she's happily snoring in my guitar case.

Yes. And I should have a sawed off shotgun or baseball bat with nails in it in the hallway closet. I'll go take a look.

I always catch the spiders and release them. The only animals which deserve to die (imho) are mosquitoes. They are pure evil.

No zombies? You mean the movies lie? Damn :(. But yes, I think most people would go crazy is half of the population would get wiped out all of a sudden. And be in their right to do so, I think.

As far as kinda apocalyptic movies go, I like old zombie and vampire movies. But there are a few good post apocalyptic movies out there. I even own a few :p


iflie October 7 2009, 20:01:13 UTC
Well, I pay enough for a high quality feed so Mickey should be okay. They even added extra omega oils.

You need to take a picture of her right now, cute needs to be shared. *nodnod*

I want a crowbar and an axe. But mainly to do the raiding and breaking into places for food, I want about 5 sturdy males to protect my ass.

I have a mosquito net and somehow this years mosquitoes were not very smart and I could squish most between my hands as they flew in front of my face. The mosquitonet was the best thing ever for my good nights sleep or even reading before bed. So goooood.

Otherwise I would have been almost asleep and having to chase tiny flying things across the room until I could see it and swat it. (no one was going to do it for me)

They are making more and more sci fi and apocalyptic movies thes edays. Not all are great but they are a lot better than in the nighties.



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