To the vet

Oct 05, 2009 13:36

So my little furry monster has had a sort of allergy for as long as I've known him but it always went away on it's own. These last weeks he had been licking his fur out again and now developed a wound from it so I made an appointment with the vet.

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iflie October 6 2009, 20:09:31 UTC
I find cats like an audience when they play quite often, they really are quite social even when playing alone.

White socks just lying there do nothing for him, white socks on me is basically asking for trouble. He can't resist trying to grab my feet as I walk past or away from him. He will still do that with other socks sometimes but the white ones are like a red flag to a bull.

Now if only my skin was made of titanium he'd have even more fun.

Ofcourse she prefers your blanket the same way they prefer your food and your seat. It's special. My old cat had this thing where he would take our seat at the table whenever one of us would get up, regardless of any other vacant seats. It's a game.

Naturally then we'd have to pretend to sit on him to get him to budge a bit but well they were raised by us so they didn't believe we'd actually sit down. many times we'd end up sitting on the very edge all uncomfortable because of the silly cat.

How are those not the usual flu signs? They can differ per person but you may have eaten something bad too.



thecaretaker October 7 2009, 12:22:03 UTC
Ofcourse cats like an audience. It strengthens their belief they're the cutest things on Earth. But the fact that he plays alone without him knowing you are watching is a good sign (unless he ofcourse DOES know and just fools you by pretending he doesn't know. Cats are tricky bastards)

Wear thick socks underneath.. or those worker socks with Kevlar in them :p

She doesn't prefer my food actually. I wonder if I'm a bad cook or just don't make good catfood.

Our cats never did that sitting down play thing. They were well behaved and sat down next to us :p

Well.. flu usually goes with sore throats which I don't suffer from. Planes are well known to be a cesspool of everything you can imagine, so I probably caught a bug. It was a cheap flight, so probably not as clean as a KLM one. They had about 30 minutes to clean the plane between offloading people and getting us on.


iflie October 7 2009, 13:04:02 UTC
Well, it was a windy day so the leaves were very tempting in the smooth grass lawn of the neighbours front yard. he was there to use the little strip of well tilled earth on the edges of it for his ehm personal needs lol.

And I don't know if you have noticed but after a good visit to nature's litterbox they often get all silly and playful anyway.

But you are correct they very rightly take their place in our household as "cutest things on earth" and even when they have their eyes closed they sense us watching and then do something cute like turn their head a bit upside down for a better picture.

Hm Kevlar versus kittyclaws. Claws have a very strong tendency to work their way through fabric so I'm not sure the woven Kevlar would actually stop them. Also Kevlar works best with projectiles at a certain velocity and claws are slow and sneaky.

I do have a set of really thick special socks and I feel all safe in them because even when he tries he can't get at my skin. Now the teeth i do have to avoid even in them...

My old cats were often goofy like a big dog, it's not a well thought out thing but instead born out of growing up in a house where they knew we'd never do anything to harm them. (and the resulting confidence and total lack of respect). Not that they didn't keep to certain rules but they sort of knew which ones were not important.

They could sit next to our plate on the table and be perfectly respectful. Well as much as they could. We'd have to make sure where their nose was going but then if you'd move they'd behave again. Mickey knows he can lick out my vla bowl but I will also still have to keep his nose out of it until I'm done. Hard for him but if he didn't understand the rules it would be impossible, as long as I'm still eating he will not stick out his tongue into it. (if his nose has made contact it's my fault he's licking)

The human food thing is a matter of her not knowing it. Mickey didn't start out being that interested and tended to find it a good time to sleep on my lap. But through him time with me he's found that often there are a few nice things on that plate so he gets more difficult. He likes left over mayonaise and gravy. Meat too ofcourse. But he is still easier to handle than my old cat at his oldest (when he stopped caring about rules)

But their own food also gets more interesting after their human plays with it. All the cats I know perfer it when you spend some time mashing it or shake the kibble about, and most of all they love having it handfed bit by bit. Makes it all special and he'll even be sweeter to me afterwards.

I guess that is quite a disappointment when they bring us a mouse and we don't return the favor.

I don't think the price of a flight matters when it comes to the viruses they have in a plane. That has to do with the airconditioning filters. KLM is just like any other airline that needs to get in as many flights as possible and they wont be cleaning the filter every flight.

But with the flu not everyone has the same symptoms, especially with the mexican flu. Unlike the old fashioned flu where we used to be out for a week and you were sure what you had.



thecaretaker October 7 2009, 15:19:16 UTC
Cats are easily distracted. :p

Good point. Kevlar probably won't do too well against catpaws. Tried a decent medieval harness yet? Missy doesn't bite or use her claws (which is a good thing because they are razor sharp). She's docile like that. She's also not that playful apart from her two crazy hours and just after I got home from work.

Missy shows interest when I accidentally drop something on the floor. But it's more of a sniff and then deciding it's not edible (too spicy probably).

It's a good thing Missy doesn't go outside. No opportunity to bring me mice.

Well.. cheap flights mean they have to save money somehow, or try to put more flights in a day. Which usually leads to poorer quality of everything surrounding the flight. Like having to pay 2 pounds for a small can of coke during the flight. Or saving money on the cleaning crew.

I don't feel like I have the flu, so I doubt I have it :p The Mexican flu is apparently rather similar to the good ol' flu, just worse, from what I've read.


iflie October 7 2009, 15:40:33 UTC
Two hours are a long time for a cat anyway, they are the sprinter type hunter. It's mainly their mind that has to be occupied and playing is good for that. Plus the satisfaction of the chase and catch means she wont be prone to behaviour problems like many indoor cats.

They like flavors they know, it will only take a few tries before she decides it is in fact good to eat. But yes too many spices are not good for them. They like garlic though and my old cats loved a bit of flavor to their boiled chicken too. the catfood we buy is also salted much more than dogfood.

And then you have the individual tastes, ours liked broccoli and cauliflower at times. And one loved bread, pastry and those types of things, the other preferred coffee milk and meats. Mickey gets crazy over cheese, which makes him throw up.

As far as I know KLM is no longer a very rich airline either. But no matter where they will always try to get as much money as they can.

Mexican flu isn't nearly as bad as everyone suspects it is, it's just easier to catch and if it mutates that can be a serious danger. So maybe getting it now is actually better than getting a more dangerous variant later.



thecaretaker October 7 2009, 16:14:10 UTC
Good thing cats can't read clocks then. I never tasted cat nor dogfood, so I'll take your word on the salt think :p

Missy prefers a particular type of dried catfood part out of the Whiskas dried catfood bag. She will eat them first and then start on the regular bits :p They're called Whiskas Temptations and she loves them.
Missy is not the adventuring type, not even food-wise.

KLM is definitely not a rich airline these days, but at least they maintain a certain quality level.

I'm amazed by the whole hyping of mexican flu. It's not like it kills more people so far then normal flu. Or driving your car. And no one complains about that too much.


iflie October 7 2009, 16:29:34 UTC
I read somewhere the extra salt was so cats would drink enough water, so they wouldn;t get as many kidney isues they are prone to. But dogs can't eat too much catfood because it's not good for them, maybe the salt has something to do with that.

I've never tried to eat catfood either, having had plenty of cats on my lap licking themselves after dinner to know that smell is not going to tempt me. In catfood factories they do employ people who taste it though.

Mickey gets Iams dry catfood for the older cat. And some other wet food because he likes it. He doesn't seem to get bored eventhough he only has one flavor of dry food. But I'm sure all cats will pick the things they like best first.

Well, logic plays no part in fear usually. Cars should freak us out but we're more afraid of a planecrash. But then again people survive a carcrash all the time but once that plane goes down you;re pretty much dead already.

New illnesses are great for fear, anything that happens to very few people is too. A new pandemic that actually does kill half the population is statistically overdue anyway so we're just waiting.

I'm not sure if building a safety shelter is good or bad, post apocalyptic worlds are usually not much fun to live in at least the first years.



thecaretaker October 7 2009, 16:56:42 UTC
That makes sense, the salt thing. And cat food is supposedly rather healthy compared to some of the junk us humans eat :)

Missy gets one flavour of dried catfood, but it consists of more than one type if you know what I mean. And she gets wet catfood as wel, Whiskas as well, 4 or 5 different flavours in one 12 pack box. She's a rather spoiled kitty :p

Fear itself is rather strange. Humans are usually too curious for their own good. "Let's spilt up and find the axe wielding murderer" :p, but we're scared of things like a simple spider.

With all the 'oh my god, we're all going to die' deceases in the last few years, I'm not scared that much by a new one.

I've seen enough post apocalyptic movies to know how to kill mutant zombies :p


iflie October 7 2009, 18:46:07 UTC
I don't even dare to speculate at what parts of the animal they use for petfood. But it's true it can't be all that worse than what they put in a chicken nugget from McDonalds.

My cat gets "chicken" but because cat's can't digest much fat it will not be the bad parts we get. Just in internals I guess.

Mine gets Sheba lately but he also gets a bit cheaper Felix bags. I need to gos tock up on those again. Oh and he gets some ham, he gets whiney and I thought ham is pretty easy as a snack, jsut a few bites and he's happy. Luckily I don't have to worry about him getting fat.

In the things we learn from movies I should also get a negligee or big white nighty that screams virgin and go walking around outside after I heard a noise. (the white does show the bloodspatter better you see)

I'm not scared of spiders though I don't like them hanging in my face, walking into them or as I've had happen of late, when they use my waterglass as a drinking pond.

Seriously I've caught spiders in my glass and last week one was danging from the ceiling about to land in my glass. I'm sure I've drunk spiderwater without realising it.

If a new illness pops up there is little we can do but hope we have the right genetics to fight it. Or that we had a less deadly variant which offers some immunity.

I don't think there will be real zombies but deranged people are a real possibility whether from an illness or trauma, and in any world humans are the biggest threat to other humans. It would be good if at least enough people died that there wouldn't be any gang activity to steal the few left resources.

Ah well I love apocalyptic movies. I just keep hoping for a better outcome.



thecaretaker October 7 2009, 19:31:33 UTC
Apparently rather good parts. It's a very strictly regulated industry. They just don't put in that much :p

Kitty happily eats her food and doesn't appear to want much else. At the moment she's happily snoring in my guitar case.

Yes. And I should have a sawed off shotgun or baseball bat with nails in it in the hallway closet. I'll go take a look.

I always catch the spiders and release them. The only animals which deserve to die (imho) are mosquitoes. They are pure evil.

No zombies? You mean the movies lie? Damn :(. But yes, I think most people would go crazy is half of the population would get wiped out all of a sudden. And be in their right to do so, I think.

As far as kinda apocalyptic movies go, I like old zombie and vampire movies. But there are a few good post apocalyptic movies out there. I even own a few :p


iflie October 7 2009, 20:01:13 UTC
Well, I pay enough for a high quality feed so Mickey should be okay. They even added extra omega oils.

You need to take a picture of her right now, cute needs to be shared. *nodnod*

I want a crowbar and an axe. But mainly to do the raiding and breaking into places for food, I want about 5 sturdy males to protect my ass.

I have a mosquito net and somehow this years mosquitoes were not very smart and I could squish most between my hands as they flew in front of my face. The mosquitonet was the best thing ever for my good nights sleep or even reading before bed. So goooood.

Otherwise I would have been almost asleep and having to chase tiny flying things across the room until I could see it and swat it. (no one was going to do it for me)

They are making more and more sci fi and apocalyptic movies thes edays. Not all are great but they are a lot better than in the nighties.



thecaretaker October 7 2009, 20:32:42 UTC
sounds like a spoiled kitty.

Picture taken.

She looks a bit scary though :p

Axe and crowbar make sense too, but you're the screaming female in white, remember? And you want 5 sturdy males in your closet?

We don't get that much mosquitoes here. Far from the sea and lakes and all. And I'm not that tasty anyway. I am usually the last one to get bitten by them.

I rather enjoyed 28 days later. And recently bought a few zombie movies like Dawn of the Dead on DVD. Relatively good, though not as nice as the originals. Remakes seldom are.


Awwwwwwwwwwwwww iflie October 7 2009, 20:50:22 UTC
Much less scary than what Mickey tends to look like on pics...well or in reality because he's my grumpy old man. And he's not so much spoiled as allowed to do as he pleases with me as long as I can still get my needs met.

Him taking my lap as something he is always entitled to is a way to pay for the adorableness of him on my lap. Though any angting of him makes me feel bad too so it's also good for me.

I can't count on having 5 sturdy males to protect me from the start and while I will rely on stealth I need to be able to break open places with foodstores. Screaming doesn't suit my style and I think my white nightly will have to be replaced with camowear...and a chastitydevice.

The 5 guys do not have to live in the closet, they should be around me at almost all times in the chaotic world where anything could happen. Hopefully I can get them young so they can be infuenced easier. I'll be the queenbee and take care of them and they will be my muscle. *nodnod*

I'm very tasty, sweet blood they sometimes call it. But I try to confuse them by having lots of lavender oil around my pillow and things. Men tend to have thicker skin and they don't like that much.

28 days later was great, I especially loved the part where the guy wakes up and wanders through the empty city. It was one of the movies I saw without knowing what it was about, best way.

The sequels weren't as good but I still want to know what happened next.



Re: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww thecaretaker October 7 2009, 21:08:21 UTC
Well.. scary for her then. It's the eye.

She's well behaved enough to lay next to me :p. Though when I'm lying on the couch and she's curled up against me, it can get rather hard to get up. She doesn't want to move when she just woke up.

So you want them to appear just after the world ends? Handy. Hadn't thought of that.

I wouldn't know if you're tasty. :p. I know that mosquitoes preferred my housemates over me usually.

Never saw the sequel(s? I thought there was just one?). And most remakes of movies are just the same, with added blood and CGI/special effects, which kinda take away from the original story. For instance, I have "Night of the Living Dead" on DVD. The original. It's a great movie. But the remake is just blood and gore. The same goes for Dawn of the Dead for instance. And of course things like War of the Worlds. Even Narnia or The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy suffer from it, though far less.


Re: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww iflie October 7 2009, 21:28:18 UTC
Yeah sleepy cat is so hard to just shove away. They also look at you with "that look" that says everything about how bad you are for disturbing them.

Well after the world as we know it ends the survivors will have to band together. I think the female influence on a pack of young males will give them extra survival chances without making them dangerous for me. Though I have spoken to a few older guys who may be willing to join my group...but they are all too far away.

I don't make huge habit out of eating myself either but the mosquitoes know where I am just fine. I more tend to smell myself actually hehe.

I think there was 28 weeks and 28 months? But I'm not totally sure, there is a mish mash in my mind of movies that were based on a sort of 28 days idea.

Too much blood and gore isn't my idea of fun, same goes for too many explosions, it gets boring. That was a big part of my issue with the latest Transformers movie, if you have great action but it never lets up it just becomes a blur.



Re: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww thecaretaker October 7 2009, 21:43:02 UTC
Exactly. The saying should be 'Don't wake sleeping cats' instead of dogs.

With you being on the other side of the country banding together might be difficult. I am older, but young at heart :p

Yeah, 28 months. I saw that one as well. Not nearly as good at the days one. And it's a common theme, yes. There is only so much you can do in post apocalyptic movies.

Didn't see the Transformer movies. Don't want my childhood soiled :p


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