Prompts Post!

Mar 27, 2012 10:12

I've organized the prompts we've received so far by play; if you want to add more prompts to the list, though, just leave a comment to this post!

Antony and Cleopatra

For acrossthefloors, Octavia/Cleopatra. This could be one-sided or reciprocated, motivated by love or cruelty -- honestly, I'd just like to see something featuring the two characters and at least a vaguely slashy dynamic. Any rating is fine; AUs are wonderful if that's where the story takes you.

For speak_me_fair, Antony POV or -centric. In this case, just take any point in time during the events of the play(s) (or before, or after (obv. this last in reference to Julius Caesar, unless ghost-fic strikes you as a YES PLEASE) , whatever you like!), and have fun with what you can come up with! (Again, no problem with AUs, any pairings you think work, pretty much what you as the writer would most like to play around with!) (Also filed under Julius Caesar)


For speak_me_fair, Coriolanus/Aufidius. Seriously, anything focusing on these two is fine. Rate it as you like, slash them or not, place it in an outside POV, develop an AU, anything you feel like. I would prefer it if explicit non-con scenarios were avoided, if at all possible. I also love bonus historical throwaway mentions. So please feel free to mess around with any and all references IN THE WORLD.

For elviaprose, Academia AU. Coriolanus' tenure review is not going as smoothly as his friends in his department would like. Slash welcome, but not required.

Julius Caesar

For likeadeuce, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Marcus Brutus. In this play, we're told more than shown the importance of Caesar's relationships with Antony and with Brutus. I'd be interested in an exploration of Caesar's relation to either one of them, perhaps as a father figure to them as competing sons (especially in the light of Caesar's historical relationship with Brutus's mother -- if you want to work Servilia in here, in other words, feel free!) Antony/Brutus slash growing out of this would be awesome, though not required.

For elviaprose, Cassius, after testing the waters to see where Brutus stands on the matter of a conspiracy against Caesar, remarks, "Caesar doth bear me hard, but he loves Brutus. If I were Brutus now and he were Cassius, he should not humor me." I'd like to see an alternate timeline that explores what might have happened if Caesar had named Cassius Praetor Urbanus (rather than Brutus) and Brutus had been the one to instigate the conspiracy. Does Brutus, in fact, succeed in persuading Cassius to join him, or do they end up on opposing sides? How might the change in Brutus' and Cassius' positions in Rome alter their relationship and the 'balance of power' between them? Slash of any rating welcomed, but not necessary.

For speak_me_fair, Antony POV or -centric. In this case, just take any point in time during the events of the play(s) (or before, or after (obv. this last in reference to Julius Caesar, unless ghost-fic strikes you as a YES PLEASE) , whatever you like!), and have fun with what you can come up with! (Again, no problem with AUs, any pairings you think work, pretty much what you as the writer would most like to play around with!) (Also filed under Antony and Cleopatra)

A Midsummer Night's Dream

For likeadeuce, Hermia/Helena. This isn't the FIRST romantic misadventure the girls have been involved in.

For acrossthefloors, Helena-and-Demetrius after the end of the play. Do they stay together? Does her conscience trouble her? Do the effects of the flower eventually wear off? Feel free to veer as dark and unhappy as you like, or indeed as optimistic and hopeful as you like -- whatever you think works best. Any rating is fine!

For the_alchemist, What happens to Bottom after the play? Does he continue to experience synaesthesia? How does it affect his life? Happy with a jolly "Further Adventures of Nick Bottom" story, a serious "spending time in Faerie really messes you up" story, or something in between.

Pericles, Prince of Tyre

For the_alchemist, Something about Antiochus and his daughter. I find it hard to picture that relationship as anything other than child abuse, and would love a story that corrects the play's egregious victim blaming. For example, what if the fire from heaven that shrivelled up their bodies was in fact the daughter's murder/suicide plot? Or perhaps she faked her own death - I would love to see a happy ending for her. I'd also be fine with a story in which the incest is consensual (or ambiguously consensual), so long as it doesn't follow the play's line that the daughter is 'monstrous', evil or disgusting because of her choice of sexual partner.

Titus Andronicus

For likeadeuce, Tamora character study. Go any direction you want with this; I'd just love a look at what's going through her head.


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