Our Fills So Far

Mar 27, 2012 10:18

Featured this week are two early fills. Both are impressive pieces of fiction!

Title: [Untitled]
Author: lareinenoire
Recipient: elviaprose
Play: Coriolanus
Summary: Gaius Martius comes up for tenure. Wackiness ensues.
Rating: PG13 (though there may be R-rated language at some point)
Warnings: Academics behaving like academics, cattiness, profanity

Title: Cleopatra Liked Octavia
Author: elviaprose
Recipient: acrossthefloors
Play: Antony and Cleopatra
Summary: Cleopatra liked Octavia. Or, at least, she acted as though she did, which was nothing at all to be laughed at. Cleopatra refused to sit at Antony's side at their feasts, to smile at him-she spurned him in retribution for his marriage to Octavia and lavished upon Octavia everything she denied Antony. Octavia had thought Cleopatra’s kindness towards her merely another way to punish Antony, at first, but after three date-sweet days in the queen’s company she could not think it anymore.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None, unless you’re afraid of Virginia Woolf

fanfiction, play: antony and cleopatra, play: coriolanus, !modpost

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