How long has it been since I updated? 4 days? About a week and a half since I made a big entry?
Anyway, it's time. How about school?
My Ethics class has shifted directions. We've gone from talking about ethical theory, to talking about...ethical theory. Okay, it hasn't really changed. The instructor would like us to think it has though. We're currently talking about
Utilitarianism, the idea that we should all do what brings the most happiness to the most people. I've got about a B in the class now.
Calc-a-laus is going really well. I understand everything that's going on. Our teacher introduces a concept, and I think "Ah yes, cylindrical coordinates." Then again, I did well the last time I took this class, when it was all new to me, except I bombed on the last third of the semester. I hope I do better this time. At least it's been a lot easier so far.
Intro to Game Design: This class rocks! Well, the material is fun (making games, game design principles, etc), but the class itself is more fun. Everybody here plays games. Any sort of game reference you make, somebody will get it. Plus, in the lab part, I get to code stuff. GameMaker has GameMakerLanguage (GML), which is based on C/C++. Officially, we won't delve into GML until 2/3 through the semester. Unofficially, I've used GML on every single game I've made so far.
Intro to Object-Oriented Programming, aka Intro to C++: Fun. Quite fun. I like writing code, and I like learning things about C++, which is one of the "major languages" these days. If you say you can write C/C++, employers will be more likely to hire you.
One thing though, there *might* be somebody copying my work. Apparently, there was another assignment turned in that used the same method I used to scramble a word, and everybody else used the much simpler method as suggested. We mixed random letters from the word. The suggested method was swapping the first and last letters, and the next-to-first and next-to-last. Personally, I think that's a retarded way to scramble a word. It doesn't scale to words of any length, and it's easily readable if the user figures it out. Maybe somebody else is just code-smart?
So that's school. How about love? I usually read people's blogs to find out about their lives. For a student, that's what I'd mostly be interested in - how school is going, and how their love life is going. Well...the person I've got a "crush" on (you could call it that, I suppose) might read this now. The best thing about this paragraph? There will be one, maybe two, possibly three people that will read this and wonder, "Is it me?" Messing with people's minds is fun!