Through the Ages, High School 2

Sep 11, 2007 21:09

It's been a while, but here it is!

Title: Through the Ages:High School Chapter 2
Author: airbender-chan/ichihara_yuko/omgitsdaina2
Fandom: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Rating/Warnings: T
Chapter Specific Pairings: KuroFay, Interrupted AshuraxFay link: Here

Rooming with Fay was a lot easier than I had expected. For some reason I thought that he would have all sorts of weird habits, but the only one I noticed was that he took walks around the campus before going to sleep.

"It helps clear my head." He said. Occasionally I would go with him, but usually he went by himself. I guess it was like his own personal Fay-time.

We only had two problems with the rooming situation throughout the whole year.

The first problem was trying to find Fay a mattress. It took almost two weeks to get a hold of one. During those first two weeks, Fay and I switched off sleeping in the bed. However, on the nights where I slept in the bed, I usually woke up in the middle of the night to find Fay sneaking into the bed with me. I didn't really care much. Floors were uncomfortable; so, I ignored him and would fall back asleep.

What I didn't like, however, was how I would always wake up with him curled up next to me, his face buried in my chest. It felt too...okay. I didn't like it, so, I would shove him off the bed and say, "You could try and put a little more effort into finding your own mattress."

Fay would just laugh.

Eventually I ended up taking a knife from the cafeteria and slashing a hole in my mattress so that I could report it to the office as damaged, and they got me another one.

"Take that one to your room, and the torn one to the dumpster outside." Yuko had said, "Unless you want someone to come and pick up the old mattress for you..." She added, looking at me with that eerie, all-knowing grin of hers.

"I'll do it myself."

So, I dragged the mattress back and set it up on the floor for Fay.

"Now you can sleep in your own damn bed." I muttered.

I could have sworn that Fay looked disappointed for just a moment before he grinned and said, "You're too good for me."

The next day Tomoyo came over after class to repair the tear I had made in my own mattress.

"Fay-san is living with you?" Tomoyo asked, curiously, glancing toward the blond. He had headphones on and was doing some of his homework.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I hope that you take good care of him." Tomoyo said, not bothering to ask about why he was living with me.

I scowled and Tomoyo laughed as she cut off the thread, "I'll leave you two alone then." Tomoyo gave me a pat on my arm and left the room.

The second problem was much more complicated than getting a hold of a mattress.

It happened around two in the morning; Yuko came shouting down the hall, banging on all of the doors.

"Everybody up!" She called, "One of the upperclassmen was found with illegal substances on campus, and so we're having a surprise room inspection! Everyone into the hall."

I rolled groggily out of bed and into the hallway. I figured I'd just let Fay sleep...that was until the witch laid down the ground rules.

"I am, along with my associate," She pointed at a tall man with long black hair, pulled into a ponytail at the base of his head, and glasses, "Looking for anything out of the ordinary." She said, "By which I mean anything ranging from drugs, to alcohol to...guests who aren't signed in." I felt as though she made it a point to look at me when she said that.

It was then that I realized that I could get in major trouble for keeping Fay in my room. I visibly tensed, and Yuko pointer her finger at me.

"Kurogane! You have 30 seconds to make the room decent!"

With out another word I stepped back into the room.

"Hey!" I hissed, shaking Fay awake, "We've got a problem, you've got to hide."

Fay made some sort of mumbled noise as I frantically glanced around the room, looking for a spot to hide the blond. The only place that could even hope to hide him was the closet. I pushed him inside. "Stay there...try and keep yourself hidden."

Fay gave me a tired thumbs up, and I quickly shut the closet door. I then practically leapt to Fay's mattress and had just finished throwing his blankets onto my bed and shoving the mattress underneath it when the door was flung open.

"Let the search begin!" Yuko cried. She was far too energetic for two in the morning. She told the bespectacled man to start on the room across the hall, Touya and Yukito's room, and she then set about her search of my room. She rummaged through every drawer possible, and checked behind everything. She bent over and looked under the bed, "An extra mattress?" She asked.

"My old one from the beginning of the year. I haven't had time to throw it out yet." I covered smoothly.

She nodded and made her way to my closet. I bit my lip as she opened it, only to see that Fay wasn't in there. I blinked, but said nothing.

"Everything seems to be in good order." Yuko said with a pleased grin on her face, "Good job." She said before she left the room, shutting the door behind her.

When I was sure she was gone, I peered into the closet, "You in here...?" I asked.

I heard a muffled sound coming from behind the coat that hung on the door. I went to lift the coat up, but it somehow gained an extra 100 pounds.

I scowled and lifted the coat, prepared for the extra weight this time, and turned it to see Fay grinning at me from inside the coat.

"Did we fool her?" He asked as I let him drop to the floor. I nodded as he wriggled out of the coat, leaving it on the floor. I decided to make him pick it up in the morning, and I went to pull Fay's mattress out from under my bed. I had barely moved it when I heard Fay fall onto my bed.

"Hey, sleep in your own bed." I grumbled. I waited for a response, but none came. He was already asleep. I sighed and lay down beside him on the small bed. He automatically cuddled into me when I laid down. I hesitated before wrapping my arms around him, and burying my face in his vanilla-scented hair.

I could always blame that on lack of sleep.

Other than that, nothing too eventful had happened as we approached the end of the year. All major vacations were behind us. Fay spent both spring and winter break with me and my family; I don't know how we pulled that off with Sorata and Arashi...I think we told them that Fay's father was traveling on business.

The only big event left for the school was the last day for senior students. They all got out a month before us. It really was a school-wide event because the seniors usually walked into the building shouting and screaming, and the whole school would get riled up.

The only one, other than myself, and maybe Doumeki, it was always hard to tell with him, who didn't seem excited was Fay.

Fay had this incredibly fake smile on his face all day, and would cheer with the other students whenever a senior who was cutting class walked by the classrooms shouting, but Fay just seemed off

When we got back to my dorm I confronted him about it.

"What's eating you?" I asked. I sat down on my bed and looked toward Fay.

He grinned up at me, "Nothing, I'm fine." He said, "See?" He pointed to his grin.

"Just because you're smiling doesn't mean you're happy."

"Well, just because you scowl all the time doesn't mean you're always angry." Fay countered.

I glared at the blond, who just laughed. "We were talking about you." I reminded.

"Well, if you must know, I'm a little sad that I probably won't get to see Ashura gain after today." Fay said, turning to look out the window, "It's just going to be weird to not have my first real...father-type person around anymore."

I glanced out the window for a minute too, "Have you said goodbye to him yet?" I asked. Ashura graduated today, and Kurogane felt a little bad for Fay.


"Are you going to?"

"It'll be hard." Fay said, looking at me now. "Besides, he has the graduation ceremony right now, and you know that they all go out partying afterward." Fay said, "I'll catch him tomorrow when he's cleaning out his dorm."

I nodded, glad that Fay was at least planning on saying goodbye to his friend, even if I didn't like him all that much. After that, I let the subject drop and decided to do my homework.

Around 6:30 Fay got up from his mattress, "I'm going down to dinner, do you want anything?"

"Nah." I responded. I tapped my pen against my chin lightly as I stared at the problem in the book I was working on.

Fay watched me curiously and then came over to take a look at the problem himself. His eyes had barely glanced at the paper when he said, "26." He patted me on the head and left the room before I could yell at him. Even with the answer it still took me at least 15 minutes to figure it out, and another hour to finish the rest of the work.

I glanced at the clock. Fay had been gone a long time for just going down to dinner...then again, it was also about the time that he went for his walks too. It wasn't until 9:00 that I really started to get worried. The sun had set an hour ago, and Fay still hadn't returned.

I rose from where I had been laying anxiously on my bed and stomped out of the room. I decided to trace the steps Fay would have taken if he had gone on his walk. When I reached the back of the school I paused and glanced toward the woods.

I could hear the seniors out there celebrating; all of the teachers turned a blind eye toward it, despite the illegal drinking that was probably going on. I kicked absently at the ground and continued along my way.

When I rounded the corner I saw two silhouettes pressed up against the wall further down. I took a guess at their activities and decided to turn around and look for Fay elsewhere. I had taken a few steps away when the voices of the people behind me began to echo around me.

"A-Ashura...stop. Please, I don't--"

"Well, I do. I've waited for years to be able to be with you like this, but you just push me away. Not tonight though."

A couple of muffled noises occurred after that, but I didn't need anymore convincing to turn back around. I reached the two in seconds.

I grabbed the back of Ashura's shirt and I threw him around Fay and into the wall face first. I held his arms tight behind him and kept him pinned to the wall. He smelled of beer; he'd probably been out with the other seniors for the better half of the evening.

"Bastard." I said, shoving him harder into the wall. He winced, but didn't say anything. It was then that I remembered that Fay was standing beside us. I glanced over to him.

Fay's face was flushed, and his hair was a mess. The buttons on his shirt were all undone, exposing his chest. Ashura had been doing a good job of getting Fay's pants undone too. Fay was shaking, and there were tears in his eyes.

I growled and pulled Ashura off of the wall and threw him to the ground.

"Fucking bastard." I spat, placing a heavy foot on Ashura's back, "Listen the next time someone tells you to stop." I growled as I pressed my foot harder into Ashura's back until he shouted from pain.

I then turned to Fay, who still hadn't moved, "Get dressed."

With shaking hands and as if he didn't have a mind of his own he followed my orders.

I walked over to him, "Come on," I said, "Let's go."

Fay glanced toward Ashura, who was still lying in pain in the dirt, before he let out a chocked sob and threw his arms around me.

Instinctively I wrapped my arms around his shaking frame and held him close. We stood like that for a long time. I would occasionally glance back at Ashura as if I was making sure he was still there. Ashura, however, had apparently passed out. I assumed that it was from the alcohol in his system because I hadn't beaten him up that bad.

When the mosquitoes began to get annoying I said, "Let's go back to the room."

Fay only gripped the back of my shirt tighter and somehow he managed to press himself closer to me.

I sighed quietly and lifted the blond off the ground and cradled him in my arms. He kept his face buried in my chest as I walked the both of us back to our room. I didn't bother with Ashura. He'd wake up eventually, and wasn't worth my time.

When we got back to the room I pried Fay off of me and sat him down on my bed. My shirt was soaked from Fay's crying. I looked at Fay, who sniffed and rubbed at his eyes, trying to make himself stop crying.

"Are you alright?" I muttered, knowing the question was a stupid one.

"I...I don't know." Fay said, continuing to rub at his eyes.

"I'll be right back." I said with the intention of walking across the hall to ask Touya and Yukito if they had a box of tissues.

"No!" Fay said, looking at me in horror, "Don't leave. Please don't leave."

Fay looked so pitiful in that moment that I practically froze where I was.

"I don't want to be alone." Fay said, his shaky hands playing with the edge of the blanket on my bed.

I watched him in silence for a minute before I sat down on the end of my bed. I stared at the wall as I spoke, "What did he do to you?"

"Nothing." Fay responded after a moment, "You came by before he got too far."

"Why didn't you try to stop him?" I asked, turning to look at Fay, who was looking at the floor. When he didn't answer I said, "You could have at least pushed him away. I know you could have. Why didn't you?" Fay was a lot stronger than he let on, and yet he didn't do anything to try and defend himself.

"I couldn't."

"What do you mean you couldn't? Of course--"

"No. I could have, but I couldn't." Fay said. He looked at me before looking back at the floor and elaborating. "Ashura was always good to me...he never questioned me...he gave me a home...He was a lot like you in that way." Fay paused, "But, Ashura, to me, acted like how a father should act...And, I loved him that way. But, he loved me differently. He told me he did at the beginning of the year...I couldn't accept his feelings, and he seemed ok with it...until tonight anyway." Fay wiped at his eyes. It was hard to imagine he'd been crying for as long as he had been.

"Because I knew how he felt about me, and because he had given me the fatherly like figure I never had, I couldn't push him away. I thought that since I'd probably never see him after tonight, I could at least give him what he wanted from me..."

"So, even though you asked him to stop, you were just going to let him do whatever he wanted with you?" I growled.


"Are you stupid?! It could have gone a lot further than it did!" I said, glaring at Fay, who pointedly kept looking at the floor.

"Yes, but you showed up."

"What if I hadn't?!" I asked, ""You would have just stood there and let him practically rape you, wouldn't you?

Fay tensed lightly as I brought the reality of what could have happened to the surface.

"I'm sorry..." Fay mumbled.

"What the hell are you apologizing for?"

"I'm always causing you trouble." He said.

"No." I responded, "What were you doing out that late anyway?"

"9:30 isn't later, Kuro-sama." Fay laughed. He seemed to be relaxing a bit, "But, after dinner I went to the art room to try and finish up a project...Before I knew it the sun had set, so I decided I'd go for my walk. I met up with Ashura around the back of the school; I guess he had enough of the seniors. You can probably piece together the rest." Fay had begun playing with the edge of the blanket again. "Thank you." Fay said, "For always helping me...I'm such a pain."

"No." I said. I opened my closet and pulled out one of my shirts and shorts for Fay to wear as pajamas. The only clothing he had brought with him when he asked to move in was his school uniform, so we shared a lot of clothes, even if mine were several sizes too big.

After tossing those at Fay I grabbed some for myself and got changed; Fay did the same.

"It's late." I said. It was almost midnight. "We should try and get some sleep." I walked around to the side of my bed and I laid down on it.

I heard Fay shifting behind me before he, too, climbed into my bed. He curled up next to me.

"You've got your own damn bed you know."

"I know. But, I don't want to be alone..."


The next morning I woke up to a sharp knock on the door.

"Don't bother hiding him, Kurogane. He's allowed to be there." Yuko's voice called out to me.

I opened my eyes slowly and I found myself staring at Fay's sleeping face. I crawled out of bed, careful not to wake him.

"What do you mean?" I muttered as I opened the door. Even at the going-to-be-over-six-feet height that I was, Yuko still towered over me.

"This letter arrived on my desk this morning with instructions to deliver it to Fay, who would be residing in your room." She handed me the letter and then produced a few sheets of paper, "Along with that came the signed permission slips that allow a student to live in one of the dorms here."

"Who signed them...?" I questioned.

"18 year old Ashura." Yuko replied, "His birthday was last month, and 18 years old is considered to be an adult. And, because Fay lived with Ashura for more than 2 months, in my book he counts as some sort of guardian."

I stared at Yuko, still confused by what she had said.

"In other words, Ashura just saved you and Fay's butts from ever being expelled if you got caught."

I nodded a bit. I guess Ashura wasn't always as bad as I made him out to be.

"What time is it?" I muttered to the headmistress.

"About 6:30."

I slammed the door in her face and went back over to the bed.

Fay's face was now buried in the pillows and he was lying on his stomach. I smiled slightly and laid back down beside Fay.

Just when I was about to fall asleep, Fay laughed, "Hyuu! Even if Kuro-tan has another option for a bed, he still comes back to sleep with me!"

I growled and pulled out the pillow I was using and hit him over the head with it.

"Hey, that wasn't nice..." Fay said as he sat up, "Where's my letter?" He asked. I shoved the letter into his hands.

"So, you were up?"

"Yeah, I couldn't get much sleep last snore too loud."

I threw a second pillow at him, "I don't snore."

"Ashura's a nice guy, hm?" Fay said as he began reading the letter. "I can't blame him for last night...he'd been drinking, and alcohol shows how a person really feels about something. Drunken men tell no lies."

"What's the letter say?" I asked, peering over Fay's shoulder to see it.

"It's an apology." Fay said with a sad smile, "And a goodbye. He's going to college overseas...He gave me his address 'to keep in touch or if you need anything signed again.'" He read from the paper, he was crying again.

"He wrote a message to you too." Fay said, wiping at his eyes before reading, "It says, 'Be the man I'll never be, take care of him.'"

I frowned as I tried to piece together what that meant.

"I guess he's not that bad of a guy." I muttered. Ashura had good intentions...but, I'd never forgive him for what he did to Fay.

"Nope...he usually knows what he's talking about." Fay paused and said, "Now, do as he said and take care of me; I want some breakfast."

I shoved Fay off of my bed and onto the floor, "Get your own damn breakfast." I said as I stood up and walked out of the room.

"Wait for me!" Fay laughed and ran after me.


That was a good 'un length wise. Makes up for the shoddy chapters I have been doing, haha.

I did this instead of summer homework! I hope ya'll liked it! XD, I don't really know what to say about this chapter...Usually, I have a rant to say, but I can honestly say that I don't think I need to rant about this one...Everything worked out well together in my opinion. ;;



Thanks for reading!!
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