New Chapter Ya'll!

Oct 09, 2007 22:14

Title: Through the Ages:High School Chapter 3-T3H PR0MZ
Author: airbender-chan/ichihara_yuko/omgitsdaina2
Fandom: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Rating/Warnings: T
Chapter Specific Pairings: KuroFay!! Slight TouyaxYuki and Donuts link Here

"Can you believe it?"

"Believe what?"

"We have less than one month until we are tossed oh-so rudely into the real world!"

I shrugged. Frankly, I couldn't believe that four years had gone by that fast, but they did, and I was now closing my senior year of high school. Fay had spent almost every minute of those four years attached to my hip. I'm pretty sure that the only times I spent away from him were when I was in the bathroom.

I had tried several times in the past few years to get Fay to confront his father, to at least get some of his belongings from his home, but Fay would just say, "There's something else I need to confront first."

Eventually, I stopped asking.

"Are you sticking to your decision about prom?" Fay asked, pulling me out of my reminiscing.

Prom. The big senior dance, the last hurrah, etc, was tonight...and I wasn't going. Several girls had gotten up the nerve to ask me, but I had turned them all down. It's not that I didn't like any of them; it was more that I just didn't want to go with them specifically. I didn't even know who I wanted to go with. So, I decided that I would sit on my bed playing computer games in my pajamas all night.

Sorata had rented me a tuxedo just in case I decided that I wanted to go at the last minute, however.

"Does it look like I'm going?" I growled in response.

Fay laughed from in front of the mirror where he was brushing his hair. "Just because you don't have a date, since you turned down practically every girl in the class, doesn't mean that you can't just come with me and the guys."

"You turned down every girl who asked you too, you know." I pointed out.

"Yes, but that is because I agreed to go with Touya-kun, Yukito-kun, Doumeki-kun and Watanuki-kun as a massive group. You don't need a date, you know." Fay said, turning to look at me now.

"Watanuki isn't going with Kunogi?" I asked, honestly surprised.

"Himawari-chan is vacationing with her parents this week." Fay paused, "Watanuki-kun was depressed for weeks..."

"Poor guy never has any luck with that girl."

"It's a shame...they'd really be cute together. So, anyway, how about it Kuro-chan, are you going to come, or not?" Fay asked.

"No. I don't have a date, and I'm not going with your mob." I replied. I exited out of the game I had been playing so that I could glare at Fay.

Fay shook his head and walked over to our fridge. He grabbed something from inside, hiding it behind his back as he walked over to me. He stood by my bed for a few minutes as though he was trying to make his mind up about something, before he presented me with a boutonnière, one that matched his own.

"Then, how about being my date?" Fay asked.

When I didn't answer, Fay spoke again, "Please, Kuro-sama? I really want you to come...I won't have any fun without you."

After what seemed like hours of silence I snatched the boutonnière from Fay's hands, "Fine." I growled, "I'll go, but I'm sure as hell not staying the whole time."

Fay smiled brightly, "Thank you, Kuro-tan! You're going to have a good night, I know it!"

About 30 minutes later I had gotten changed and was ready to go. Fay pinned the boutonnière to my vest and I pulled on my coat.

"You look so handsome, Kuro-pii. I understand why all those girls were asking you to go with them." Fay laughed. The blond reached up to straighten my tie. His hands lingered on my chest, "Really, Kuro-sama, I'm glad that you're coming with me." Fay rested his forehead between his hands, and for a second I thought he had fallen asleep. But, when someone knocked at the door, Fay sprang to answer.

"Yo, you guys ready?" It was Touya and the other guys.

"Yup! C'mon, Kuro-rin, let's get going!" Fay grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the hallway. "I'm not letting you go until we're safely in the ballroom. I don't want you to run away from me."

"I'm no--" Fay, however, was now talking jovially to Yukito, rendering my protest useless.

The prom's theme was "A Night in Paris," a typical romantic theme. The school's ballroom was decorated with all sorts of lights and props relating to this theme. The room was already pretty crowded as well. A few couples and circles of friends were out dancing while others sat at tables chatting amiable with their companions.

Their group attracted minimal attention from the prom-goers when they walked in, mainly Kurogane noticed they eyes of the girls he had turned down on him. He allowed Fay to pull him along until they found an empty table. The six of them hung their coats on the backs of chairs, partially to claim the table as their own, but the room was actually pretty hot.

"Watanuki-kun, who is that with Ichihara-sensei?" I heard Yukito ask.

I glanced around until I found the teacher chaperones and saw the tall, bespectacled man that always seemed to be around the school, with Yuko especially.

"Oh, that's Clow Reed-san...Would you stop staring at me like that?!" Watanuki was now glaring at Doumeki.

"You were talking..."

"Whatever, I don't need to hear your lame excuses...Anyway, Reed-san is vice principal in training...let's just say that if Yuko-san is the head, then Reed-san is the neck that moves the head in the direction he wants, most of the time, anyway."

Now that I was looking at this Clow guy, I realized that he was the same guy who was with Yuko during all the room inspections we had late at night...

"Kuro-sama, you should go over and ask that girl to dance." Fay said, pointing to a short, brown-haired girl, who whispered excitedly with her friends when Fay pointed to her.

"I think they'd rather you." I grumbled.

That was how it started. Fay pushed me over to their table and then I was out on the dance floor with the girl; Fay was a few feet away with one of the girl's friends. Over the course of the night Fay made me dance with every girl that had asked me to prom. I didn't mind so much since it seemed to satisfy the girls, who were almost all upset when I had turned them down.

About an hour later I left the dance and made my way outside for some of the fresh air. I found a tree not too far from the dance and leaned on it, staring up through its branches at the sky. I could still hear the slow beat of the song playing inside.

I had just turned around to go back inside, when I found myself staring at Fay, who looked about as surprised as I did to see him there.

"I didn't expect you to turn around." Fay laughed.

"I didn't expect you to be standing here like a creep." I retorted.

"Aw, I'm not a creep. I just came out here to see if...if Kuro-tan would share a dance with me...?" Fay was already wrapping his arms up around my neck and he rested his head on my chest, "Please?"

I grumbled something but I rested my hands on Fay's hips and we moved to the beat of the slow song that was barely audible from where we were standing outside. Fay knew most of the words and sang along quietly. I hadn't heard Fay sing alone in a while; I'd forgotten how pure and strong his voice was when he did. I could tell even now with his voice barely more than a whisper.

"Hey, Kuro-sama?" Fay asked about halfway through the song.


"If I did something weird right now, and you thought it was weird, would you forgive me for doing it?"

"What the hell kind of question is that?" I asked.

"Just answer it." Fay responded.

"Well, yeah, I guess so, but--"

My sentence was interrupted by Fay's lips catching my own. My words became muffled in the sudden kiss.

Fay pulled away a short second afterward. His face had more color in it than I had ever seen on the blond's pale skin.

"I'm sorry." Fay said quickly. He turned to leave, but I caught his wrist.

"Don't apologize for such stupid things." I found myself saying.

"What?" Fay had turned to look at me, the blush still on his face.

With that one kiss, so many things became clear to me. All the nicknames, the things that were said, the subtle touches...all of it just clicked now. Fay liked, it was more than that. How much more, I didn't know.

But, what about myself? Did I like Fay? I liked the way his body felt pressed up against mine when he snuck into my bed. I liked the way his hair fell across his face, but never truly covered his eyes. I liked the way his smiles came so naturally, and how his mutilations of my name rolled off his tongue. I couldn't believe I hadn't realized this before. Looking back I realized that even Tomoyo knew of my feelings before I did. I didn't just like Fay, I loved him...everything about him.

"Kuro-sama...your hand..." Fay wasn't looking at me anymore, but at the grass by his feet.

I glanced at my hand, which was still clasped tightly around the blond's thin wrists. In a quick motion I pulled my hand back, taking Fay with it. Fay made a noise of surprise as he found himself falling into me. He looked up at me, questioning.

For an answer I leaned down and kissed him. He seemed shocked at first, but he responded quickly.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, kissing, touching, exploring...but it wasn't long enough when Fay pulled away. His face was red again, and his vest and shirt were both undone; his tie lay forgotten in the grass, and his breath was short. I was sure that I mimicked his appearance.

"The dance lets out soon..." Fay said, glancing toward the doors of the ballroom. Fay didn't want to be seen.

"Do you want to head back?" I asked, picking up Fay's tie off the ground.

"Do you think the others will mind that we left early?"

"We've already been gone for a pretty long time." I pointed out.

"Alright...let's go then." Fay said. He laced his fingers in between mind, and together we walked back to our dorm, stealing kisses along the way.

Once inside the dorm room Fay attached himself to me. I pressed him up against the door and continued to kiss him, trailing along his jaw and down his neck, coming to rest at his collar bone.

"Kuro-chan...?" Fay breathed. I grunted a response, and Fay continued, "Are you serious?"

I lifted my head to look at Fay, "Huh?"

"Are you serious? If you're not, then I'd rather you didn't toy with me like this..." Fay's voice trailed off at the end, afraid of my response.

"You're an idiot." I growled.


"You've always been a moron, but I didn't think you were that dumb." I pulled Fay up against me and began working my fingers through his hair. "I would have let you know if I didn't like you...I wouldn't play with your emotions like that." I said, a little offended that Fay would even consider something so low from me. I gently kissed the top of Fay's head, "I love you."

Fay pushed away from me and stared at me, surprise spread across his face. He made me repeat myself, to the point of annoyance, until he was sure that I was telling the truth. He leaned up to kiss me, "I've always loved you." He whispered in my ear before he rested his forehead against my shoulder.

After several minutes, Fay let out a content sigh and pulled away.

"I'm going to get changed." He announced. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of pajamas before going into the bathroom. I stood there for a few seconds, confused, but happy. I got changed into my pajamas in the room and climbed into my bed. A few moments later I heard Fay return, and he climbed into bed next to me.

"I'm glad that I confronted this..." I heard Fay whisper into my back as I drifted off to sleep.


The next morning I woke up and noticed immediately that Fay wasn't there. I sat up and as my eyes adjusted to the morning light, I noticed a piece of paper tacked to the door with Fay's handwriting.

I stood up, grabbed the paper off the door and read it.

"I have one more thing left to confront."

I reread the paper a few times until it finally made sense.

"Damn it!" I growled. I shoved my feet into my sneakers and ran out of the room.

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