WOO! Finally a new chapter!

Aug 14, 2007 10:44

Is it sad that the only reason I picked up my notebook was because I was ill? I've been way busy, but now I have nothing to do because I'm lying in bed with a dehydration/heat/lack of food headache. I was going to wait before I started this section of the story; I wanted to see more about Ashura from the spoilers online. But, I haven't updated for you people in more than a month, and spoiler readers know that there won't be another update for two more weeks.

ALSO! If you don't read the spoilers, and you read this fic, please let me know in a comment. This story can roll with or without them, so if I have a reader who doesn't read the spoilers, I'll be happy to go with the original plotline instead of the spoiler plotline. (I'd rather not spoil anybody, you know?) Anyway, on to the chapter!

Title: Through the Ages:High School Chapter 1
Author: airbender-chan/ichihara_yuko/omgitsdaina2
Fandom: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Rating/Warnings: T/PG
Chapter Specific Pairings:KuroFay, light AshuraxFay and KuroTomo
FF.net link Here

"It's hard to believe that you're moving out, Kurogane." Sorata said as he and I carried the last box into my dorm room. I had decided at the end of last year that I was going to take advantage of the dorms at the school.

"It'll be good for you to be out on your own for a while, Kurogane." Tomoyo had said when I ran the idea by her. With her approval I got a summer job working with Souma at the martial arts school to pay for the dorm, and I told Sorata and Arashi what I was planning.

I got them to agree, and now that I was all moved in, I was having second thoughts. The school wasn't far from the Arisugawa's apartment, but living on my own was going to be strange.

"Alright, Kurogane, we'll leave the rest of your unpacking to you." Sorata said, ruffling my hair. I glowered at him, but I soon found myself wrapped in a surprisingly tight hug from Arashi.

"We'll call you tomorrow, ok?" She said, stepping back beside Sorata.

"Yeah, ok." I said, though I did give her a little bit of a smile. His guardians took a step back to allow Tomoyo to say goodbye.

"Things will be different without you at home, Kurogane, and although it pains me greatly, I will see you off." Tomoyo said dramatically, "Though, I suppose I will still see you around campus."


Tomoyo laughed and stepped into the hallway to join her parents. "See you soon, Kurogane." She waved and the three walked away. I watched until they had gone around the corner, and then I reentered my room. I glanced at the few boxes that were scattered across the floor.

"I guess I should unpack." I muttered to myself.

"Yeah, you probably should." A voice replied.

I jumped a little in surprise and turned around quickly to face the intruder, only to find Fay grinning up at me.

"Hyuu! So, Kuro-sama does get scared!" Fay teased from the doorway, "And, he got taller since I saw him last." He said, reaching up and patting the top of my head like I was his pet or something.

"No, you're just short." I muttered. I went to shut the door, giving Fay just enough time to slip inside before the door fell into place.

"How was your summer?" Fay asked as I went to unpack, "I didn't see you a lot, sorry about that."

"I thought you died when you stopped calling me everyday." I said, half serious.

"Yeah, well, Ashura complained about me running up his phone bill."

"Why were you using his phone?" I asked, peering over my shoulder to look at Fay. The blond looked as though he'd just let loose a government secret.

"Ah, well..." Fay paused, "I ran away from home Kuro-rin." He finally said.

"You just left?"

"Mhm, I didn't even take anything with me, well, I took money, but other than that, everything of mine is still at home. I suppose I'll have to go back eventually to get it..." Fay mumbled, his eyes looking somewhere far away.

"How long?" I asked, fully focused on Fay now.

"Since the end of last year. I would have gone to your place, Kuro-tan, but my dad would have looked there, and I didn't want to burden Arashi-san and Sorata-san." Fay explained, "Ashura lives alone, and he said that he didn't mind."


"Why what?"

"Why'd you run away?" I asked, irritated. One didn't just run away from home for several months without a good reason.

"Not today, Kuro-pon." Fay replied, a stern look in his eyes that made it hard for me to say, "Yes, today. I've got enough of your damn mysteries to deal with, and you're going to explain this one. Why did you run?"

Fay looked a bit shocked that I asked again, "I guess you should know." He almost whispered, "But, you can't tell anyone. Ashura doesn't know either. So, promise that you won't tell." Fay said, holding out his hand.

"I promise." I said, shaking his hand.

Fay shut his eyes for a moment; I waited patiently. Slowly, Fay began to take off his long-sleeved shirt. I stared at him curiously, but when his shirt was off, I knew why he had taken it off. His arms and torso were covered with faded scars and bruises.

"This one," He said, pointed to a particularly nasty scar in his side, "Was the reason I left. My dad threw a knife at me."

I stared at Fay as anger began rising through my system.

"I could deal with him hitting me, but weapons are dangerous, so--"

"Your father hitting you is dangerous too! You could have been killed!" I shouted. I was angry at Fay for not telling me about this sooner, but I was angrier with myself for not seeing it before.

"I fell down the stairs." "I just tripped over a rock on the way to school." "It's no big deal." "I'm not worth worrying about, Kuro-sama."


"Why didn't you tell me before?!" I asked, "I could've helped! You need to tell Yuko about this," I said. I hated the bitch, but she knew what she was doing, and would probably be able to help, "Come on, let's--"

I had just gotten to the door when I felt Fay slam into me and knock the both of us to the ground.

"No!" Fay shouted, placing his hands on my arms, successfully pinning me to the ground, "You promised! You can't tell! Besides, I'm not living there anymore, so it doesn't matter!" I could see the fear that shook his body in his eyes, "I handled it, ok? You can't tell!"

"...Fine." I reluctantly agreed. Fay wasn't in that environment anymore, and that was what really mattered.

Fay let out a sigh of relief. He rolled off of me and he sat on the floor. I sat up next to him, and we stayed like that for a few minutes.



"Ashura is dorming here this year."

"So?" I asked, glancing toward Fay.

"Well, he's in the upperclassmen dorms, and freshmen aren't allowed to stay there, so I was wondering if I could stay with you?" Fay asked timidly, "I have money; I can pay for half the room."

"Why not get a dorm yourself?" I asked.

"Minors need a parental signature on the forms." Fay explained with a weak laugh.

I sighed, "So, you're asking me to harbor you like a fugitive in my room?"

"Yes." Fay laughed this time.

I stood up and threw Fay's shirt at him. He said, "Thanks," And pulled the shirt on over his head.

"I'll try to find a mattress for you before the week is up." I muttered, "Help me unpack."

I heard Fay gasp, and he wrapped his arms around me in a hug tighter than the one Arashi had given me earlier.

"Thank you so much, Kuro-sama!"

I made an annoyed noise and shoved Fay off of me. "Whatever."

Fay grinned and squatted down beside on of the boxes. He opened it up and pulled a yellowed piece of paper out. He unfolded it and let out a laugh.

"Hyuu! I found out all in one day that Kuro-pon can be scared, and that he's sentimental!" Fay said, grinning as he folded the piece of paper back up and walked over to my bed. "I know right where this one goes." Fay carefully slipped the paper under the pillow.


Short, I know, I'm sorry.

I actually had a good time writing this chapter. However, the whole Fay confessing thing definitely wasn't supposed to happen here. ;;; It just kind of worked. -nodnod-

Also, this isn't the last we'll hear from Fay's dad.

PS-I loved Tomoyo in this one, bwahaha.

Thanks for reading, and waiting for this chapter!


GASPZORZ! It's the end of Fay and Kuro's freshman year, and Ashura's last year at the same school! What will happen?!?!?! Stay tuned!
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