monkey butlers, and chewy, chewy cocoa beans

Dec 31, 2006 16:15

A swift and unexpected move by Father Time in the Eleventh Hour managed to redeem 2006's good name in the eyes of the protagonist. It may have ended in sub-zero conditions on streets no busier than a ghost town's rush hour, but it was a good note nonetheless.

My stomach is punishing me for the holiday alcohol abuse and the thought of more to come in a few mean hours. Studying biology, while fun, also increases the knowledge of what's actually happening to the body when on a bender. It's fortunate that I skipped that chapter. Although as much as I want to pretend I don't already know, I'll shift focus to more trivial facts. (Did you know that the digestive system could actually be considered "outside" of the body? The more you know.....) Text books are a fountain of knowledge for those of us who enjoy trivial facts. Though, for today I shall take the words of Stephen Colbert to heart:
"...I'm no fan of reference books and their fact-based agendas..." Although I suppose this is hardly the time to cite the "wordinistas" of Merriam-Webster who agree with me about the pronunciation of Curacao. (Cure-ah-so) :p Take that "currocco"

I think I made the bottle cry tears of blue. It's the Ring-oh-low fiasco all over again. Why won't anybody say it OUR way??? If Vicky wasn't celebrating New Years in England at almost this very moment....she'd back me up.

Cheers kids. See ya next year. Bring on Lucky 7
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