"Surrendering to gravity and the unknown..."

Dec 26, 2006 05:27

The repetitive questioning about how the holiday went leaves me with a dried, disgusting taste in my mouth...with just a hint of Jagermeister on the breath. The fire is out and the stockings lay on the ground, abandoned for plasma-screened examples of greed and extravagance that make hedonism look masochistic.

I had an overly dramatic rant written out to try and convince others to watch "An Inconvenient Truth," but I can't do it justice so trying would be a disservice. I know....I'll bet reading it woulda been loads of fun right?

As the remaining days melt away, thoughts turn back to the events of the year gone by. We're told to reflect upon them while being pushed forward.. The Chinese personify (or is it animonify?) each year with the characteristics of a creature in nature. For all intents and purposes 2006 was an unfortunate dog, while 2007's porcine flavour sounds like it leaves much to be desired. I had decided to place blame on this year for producing such mediocre results however after mature reflection I realize that the fault is mine, and mine alone. It is what I made of it and pushing plans ahead delayed the progression of things. It's time to stop standing still.

It took too long to get my head around this and now dawn is getting closer by the minute. In true vampire fashion I'm heading to bed before the light turns me to dust. If you see Wolfman let him know where I went.

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