Talking Table/Simple Sit Chair Recolors -- The Alternative Version

Jun 13, 2012 17:15

Firstly, there are six recolored EAxis wood floors posted over here on MTS.

Otherwise...A little while back, I made recolors of the basegame Talking Table and Simple Sit chair in white+wood colors. They're posted over here at MTS. When I was making them, I also made solid-color versions of both pieces. In the end, I didn't like them as much, so I didn't share them on MTS. But maybe there are some people out there who WOULD like them, perhaps better than the other set. Diff'rent strokes, as they say. So:

Like I said, I didn't like these as well as the other version. Particularly the chairs because, no matter what I did with some of the frames, they refused to match the seat colors as well as I would like. *cough*thedarkestcolorssuck*cough* Plus, there's something funky in the way those chairs light, especially if you place them on a diagonal. (Not that you'd likely do that in regular in-game use, but still...It bugged me.) The "spokes" in the back of the chair light very strangely sometimes, and it's far more noticeable when they're colored in wood colors than the bright-ish white frame I put up at MTS. So, I'm thinking that the tables are far more useful than the chairs. They look nice across the board and can be used with other chairs. But YMMV, and maybe someone can get some use out of the chairs, too. So, I'm putting 'em on here. The pic above the cut is the Acorn color. Here are the other ten, in no particular order:

Note: You can download the solid-color tables and the chair frames from this post, but you'll need to get the chair seats in the wood colors from the MTS post of the white+wood version, if you want them and don't already have them.

Both of these pieces do have the so-subtle-probably-only-I-notice-them "fixes" that I applied to the pieces in the MTS download. Some weird and/or too-dark shadows are removed/fixed, some weird-ass grain directioning is fixed, some funky dark lines are erased, etc., etc. Like I said, they're so subtle that only pedantic and slightly perfectionist me will likely notice them.

But speaking of perfectionism...Lord, please excuse the non-matchiness of some of those floors in the pics! They're from the first set of floor recolors I did, way back when, and their colors were "eyeballed," since I made 'em before I kept a standardized color list. So, the table/chair colors are "right." Some of the floor colors are wrong, wrong, WRONG! Ugh. I really need to re-do some of them one of these days. Sorry 'bout that.

Anyway, the download links:

Download the Solid-Color Talking Table recolors
Download the matching (Sort of :/ ) Simple Sit Chair frame recolors.

Oh, also? In the table download, you'll find a solid color table in the Cottage White color. However, there is no matching chair frame or chair seat in the Cottage White color because...Well, because. And the white in the other set won't really match the Cottage White. That's a brighter white because I wanted to make it look more painted than woody. However, I thought that perhaps the Cottage White table could be used with some of the other chairs that I DID make in Cottage White, so I left it in the RAR file. Use it or not, as you will. Sorry that there's no picture of it. It was a late decision to put it in the RAR, and I don't feel like firing up my game again to take a pic. If you've downloaded any of these other furniture pieces, I'm sure you can imagine what the table looks like. :)

In other news of earth-shattering importance, the Man-ternity Project is coming along. I've got most of the basegame meshes that I want to replace done. I'm just having a bit of trouble with the default-replacing thing. :/ But I'll get it eventually... And I figure I'll share, for the benefit of other weirdos out there. :) I'm not sure if I'll put 'em on MTS or just on here. It'll depend on whether or not I can figure out how to present them in the way MTS requires. I'm thinking it'd just be easier to slap a bunch of pics with individual links to the meshes on here... Assuming, of course, that I can work out the kinks with the defaults. I know it can be done because other people have done it, obviously. I'm just missing something somewhere. But like I said, I'll figure it out. :)

matching woods project, downloads, eaxis recolors, furniture what matches

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