Some curiosity on my part...

Jun 13, 2012 17:41

Yes, two posts in row. This one's an entirely different subject; I wanted to keep them separate.

So, lots people take pics of their game/Sims in their game. I'm curious as to what people do with them. I know they're used in story-telling a lot, but frankly I'm not interested in telling stories via my game. But what I am is an art student...of sorts. Not in the official sense, though. I dabble with stuff, and I live with a professional artist. She gives me pointers and such. We prefer entirely different media, though. She's mostly an oil painter who dabbles in sculpture/pottery on the side. I like to draw in charcoal, digital or otherwise.

And, to be lazy, I like to start with a pic from the game as a "base." That way, I don't have to draw the figure from scratch. So, I use the pic and then pretty much entirely "repaint" it digitally. I generally alter the lighting (a lot!) and often add (or try to add, at least; my skills are not always up to snuff! At least not yet...) more realistic anatomy, particularly when it comes to necks. (The smooth Sim necks, with no tendons on both genders or Adam's apples on the guys, really bug me. *laughs*) I thought I'd share one of my images, just because I'm curious to know what other people do with their pics, especially if anyone does something similar to what I do, hoping to maybe trade tips and such. Sooooo....

This is a pic of one of my favorite Standard Maxis Townies, Joe Carr, he of the goofy pompadour but also of the pretty dark skin and blue eyes and strong but not overwhelming facial features. He, along with Komei Tellerman and Ben Long...I adore them. Don't ask me why. I just do. So, of course I had to make "portraits" of them. *laughs* (Yes, they're naked; it gives me more skin to repaint, which is the entire point of doing these. It's not smut, it's ART! *laughs*) Here is the original image of Joe that I started out with, albeit sized down to fit this journal's size limits:

And here is what he looks like after I Photoshopped the hell out of him, similarly sized down:

As I said, my skills are not always what they should be, but I have fun doing this, and it's easier than starting a digital drawing from scratch and allows me to concentrate more on the "painting" techniques than the drawing techniques. And like I said, I'm curious to know what other people do with their pics, if anyone wants to share...

miscellaneous crap

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