Break was good... and now I'm broke

Jan 12, 2007 02:21

Well, all these costs have finally hit me and I'm actually freaking out a little bit.

There was some tuition I still had to pay off, which leaves me with just over a thousand dollars to spend in Austria... which, essentially, doesn't go a long way. Not when you want to *travel*... and have to pay approximately 100 American bucks per viola lesson...

I think this semester is going to go a little differently. I'm going to *actually* have to watch my budget. I may even have to starve a bit :-P Really I hope to God IES will let me work in the library this semester...

My whole life I had a comfy cushion in my savings... and in a matter of a few months, my *whole savings* is wiped. It's just amazing how fast it will go. But I keep telling myself it's ok... everyone has loans... and it is worth it.

Still I am glad these realizations are hitting me at the *end* of break. Because break was, though lazy at some moments, awesome at others and I didn't have the burden of finances on my mind so I was able to enjoy.

Well, I'm heading back to Austria on Sunday. I can't believe break went by this fast! Maybe more details later, in the meantime... I'm trying NOT to freak out more.
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