So it's been quite a four months

Dec 27, 2006 18:25

And being home is, in many ways, disorienting.

Flying into O'Hare held such mixed feelings. One the one hand, seeing the familiar city lights made my heart jump and brought tears to my eyes... I was home! On the other hand, seeing the modern, stark, cold buildings... the wide-open, dull spaces of suburbia... it all felt so young, impersonal, unrich. It wasn't Vienna.

But I've had a wonderful, wonderful few days home with family. We're growing ever more still, so we've made some changes to our Christmas traditions. It's not what it used to be when I was a kid, but that's ok too. It's suitable to being older now. Now everyone buys one person a very nice gift, instead of worrying about getting everyone something. And now we moved our ravioli dinner tradition to Christmas Day, and Christmas Eve is just a gathering with a hodge-podge of foods. Which is also quite ok! People brought stuffed mushrooms... homemade dips... mini-dogs... cocktail shrimp... mini-quiches... the list goes on and on. A feast! And of course Uncle Mark made his famous punch and all were merry. Anthony wasn't there, but I had a good talk with Matt - this year we ARE determined to make a cousin's-get-together happen!

I was able to share just a bit of my past four months with my family... but for the most part what is there to talk about? They've read it all on my Study Abroad LJ! I was able to bring them a taste of Austrian Holiday celebration when I made gluh-wein punsch for them on Christmas day, and gave them their gifts, but that is about it.

Otherwise, Austria exists for me in my dreams and in the random German that pops out of my mouth. Sometimes, it's as if it never happened. Other times, I have fleeting moments of wishing to return. It's all such a mixed bag, and if I thought my future was hazy before, I am even more confused now about where I am heading in my life... not the general picture (I know I want to become a professional musician) but rather where on the globe I want to end up. Where WILL my life take me now that I have that taste of Europe lingering in my mouth?

Well at any rate, there's still no place like home and of course it's been wonderful. And I have much new technology to launch me into the new year! My ever generous parents gave me a new digital camera (I can't WAIT to see how pictures turn out with it!) and an Ipod Nano! It's about time I had an ipod, my discman is ancient. It's so so exciting! I also have sheet music - Brahms and Walton, the nail was hit right on the head! My siblings were great to me this year too... I wish I could have given them more, but I hope they understand I will make it up to them when I have the means...

Well Holidays usually mean Lazy Days, at least in my book. Time I got down to business - many loose ends to tie up and maintainance to upkeep!
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