Well I survived my first week of school...barely. I'm not too thrilled about my classes. The Shakespeare class is so boring, just like I thought it would be. The book is the size of a monster truck, and cost a ton of money. The professor is this older woman who acts like she is absolutely in love with Shakespeare. She told us the first day that she just can't stop talking once she gets going, and she wasn't lying lol. She gives insane amounts of homework too. The first day she gave us a ton of reading to do. She told us that we have to have a whole play read by Monday too. Then I have a paper due on it that week. Not to mention we are supposed to go to see several plays performed during the semester. I am all ready so stressed and school just started.
The writing class professor is a real drip. His voice just grates on my nerves. He likes to give a ton of homework too. I have to have this novel he wants us to read done by Wednesday, with a paper to follow also. I really don't understand how I am getting this all done, seriously. The other Literature course I am taking is the usual, lots and lots of reading. (insert various gagging noises here) I don't know how I am going to keep up with all this reading.
The Music class I have is going to be hard. I knew it too. Far be it for me to have an easy course. *Rolls Eyes* We have to know all the certain aspects of a song and everything. I am so going to choke in that class. I know nothing about measure. The class is full of music majors too, so they at least know what they are doing.
The commute to school is always an experience too. The wacknuts were out in full force again. One guy gets on the train with a gigantic stereo and proceeds to blast music, while singing at the top of his lungs. Fun, fun, fun I tell you. The only high point of my commute is I get to see Sam and Dean everyday, as there is a huge poster with their faces at the train station. :D
In honor of back to school, I put a new layout with a calendar too. Yay! I also made a new header with
these gorgeous pictures here. Once again, I am dead.
These boys are just too gorgeous for words. Luckily those pics brought a big smile to my face after the miserable week I had.
Here are some Jensen ones too. I can't wait until they add the ones of Jared all by himself, and I can be dead some more.
Of course, I still haven't figured out everything with this layout, like how to put some words in italics and how to add links to the sides. Lyn, if you are reading this, I am sending out an SOS. LOL