We finally have new spoilers.
There have been new sides released for an episode called, “The Usual Suspects”. The sides are for a cop named Detective Peter Sheridan.
Sam and Dean are in police custody. Another detective name Ballard leaves the holding tank where Sam is being held. Sheridan is looking through a two way mirror into Dean’s room. Ballard asks Sheridan if he is getting anywhere with him. Sheridan says, “A lot of wise ass remarks. Otherwise nothing new. You?” Ballard says, “Sam’s story matches Dean’s to the last detail. Even recited the same list of items that Caron asked him to pick up from Gile’s office”. Sheridan says that these guys are good, meaning Sam and Dean. He says that it will make it sweeter when they put Dean away. Ballard wants to know how they are going to do that. Their evidence is circumstantial and if Sam doesn’t flip, their story holds up. Ballard is frustrated and tenses up. Sheridan puts a hand on her back. Sheridan asks if Ballard is buying their story. She says no and that they are lying, but it isn’t adding up for her. Sheridan wants to know what isn’t adding up. He leans in close to her. Their foreheads are almost touching. The script says we realize they are more than just partners. Ballard pulls away and gets back to business.
Ballard says, “The thing that is really bugging me is the way we caught Dean.” Sheridan says, “At the murder scene. Covered in Caron’s blood.” Ballard says, “The neighbor called 911 because she heard screaming, right? And our officers got there before Dean could escape…but they didn’t find a weapon. What’d he do with it?” Sheridan says that maybe he passed it to Sam somehow. Ballard says she is not so sure Dean is a killer. She said Giles was being investigated by the department. She says, “Maybe one of the criminals he was mixed up with-“ Sheridan gets angry and interrupts her. He tells her not to go there. He says that Tony was his friend and a great lawyer, and that he wasn’t mixed up with anyone. Ballard apologizes, but says they have to consider every possibility. Sheridan says they should try putting the brothers together, to see what they have to say. Ballard and Sheridan walk down the hall, but stop in front of an office door. Sheridan says, “The Winchesters can wait ten minutes. We need a break.” He nods at the office. Then he says, “Frazier’s out to lunch.” Ballard says, “When isn’t he?” They both share a smile and disappear into the office. Now apparently these cops know the boys true identity and that Dean Winchester did not die back in St. Louis.
The scene cuts to an interrogation room. A uniform leads a confused Sam into Dean’s room, then walks out. Neither brother speaks at first. Then Sam says, “Hey man. How ya doing?” Dean says, “Fine. You?” Sam says, “Good.” Then he looks at Dean who is dressed in prison garb. He says, “Nice look for you.” Dean says, “You like it? Me too. Much better than being stuck in a monkey suit." LOL It sounds like a cute little exchange. I think the brothers were worried about each other, when they were separated too. I wonder if Sam is wearing a prison jumpsuit too. Sam says they need to talk. Sam shoots a sly glance at the two way mirror. Dean nods, and rubs his ears nonchalantly. It’s obviously some sort of a code. The scripts says the boys are smart and know they are being watched. They only speak about the spirit investigation. Dean asks Sam what he found out about Dana Shulps. Sam says she doesn’t exist and that he has checked everywhere. Dean says, “Her name was there again. Last night. It doesn’t make sense. It has to be spirit communication. Otherwise it wouldn’t keep showing up.” The boys were investigating some kind of spirit when they were arrested. I am wondering if perhaps they were called by the couple that were killed, and that is why it says they picked up items or something. Sam agrees, but he says something is off and maybe they are misunderstanding.
The script jumps and Sam is sitting with a man named Krauss, a lawyer. Krauss says, “Hope that was meaningful. But I would like to discuss your case now.” Sam says, “Absolutely”. They are interrupted by a knock at the door. It’s Ballard. She says they need him with the other one. Krauss sighs and tells Sam he will be back as soon as he can. Sam tells him that he’ll be there. Then he reaches for the soda that Ballard brought in earlier.
In the interrogation room a few minutes later, the uniform points a camera at the now unshackled Dean. Sheridan and Ballard are there. Krauss walks in and gives them a questioning look. Sheridan says, “Your boy decided to confess. Don’t worry, we’re doing it all official." Krauss says, “Mr. Winchester. I advise against this strongly.” Sheridan tells Krauss that he’s sure he does. He tells Dean to talk into the camera, starting with his name. Dean ignores the lawyer, and speaks sincerely into the camera. He says, “My name is Dean Winchester. And I want to make it clear-I didn’t kill anyone. But I know who did.” Dean continues, “Or I know what did. I suspect, because frankly we didn’t get very far in our investigation before we were interrupted.” He shoots an annoyed look at the detectives. It looks like Sam and Dean were investigating the house, when the police barged in. Dean and Sam probably found the couple dead. Dean goes on, “Anyway, our working theory-we’re looking at some kind of vengeful spirit. Remember the hallucinations the Gileses saw? That was a ghost.” The cops murmur like they don’t know what the hell is going on. Sheridan shoots Ballard a look, like you want to take his word for anything. Dean keeps talking, “One that haunts its victims before killing ‘em. Rare but not unheard of. What’s really interesting is this word it leaves behind.” Dean shows the cops and the camera a paper with the mystery word…DanaShulps. Sheridan groans, but Ballard noticeably reacts. Dean says, “I know, looks like the chicken scratches of a crazy person. But actually if you unscramble it...” He flips the paper. “Bam! You got the name of a street.” Dean shows the unscrambled word, ASHLAND. Sheridan reacts this time. He is getting angrier by the second. Dean continues, “I know it seems crazy, but think it over. It explains a lot. Like my trouble in St. Louis? Seems like I killed a woman, then was shot to death, right? What really happened was Sam and I interrupted a freaky shape shifter-thing during a kill-"
WHAM! Dean can’t talk anymore because he is slammed against a wall.
Detective Sheridan has Dean in a chokehold. Sheridan says, “You arrogant bastard! Tony and Caron were good people. What you did was brutal, cold blooded murder. And you’re making jokes?” Ballard puts a hand on her partner as Krauss walks over. Krauss tells him to stop it. Ballard says he isn’t worth it. Sheridan pulls away and Dean is cuffed again. Dean speaks to the detectives one last time. He says, “You asked for the truth.” Then he is pulled from the room. Ballard finds Sheridan in the hall. He says he never seen anyone so full of himself. Ballard stands there, thinking. Sheridan notices. He says, “Diana, come on.” Ballard says, “He sounds insane. But that word…you ever seen it before?” Sheridan says he has seen the street. He has patrolled there before. Ballard says, “The way it was scrambled up? I feel like I have seen something similar to that.” Sheridan is incredulous. He asks her if the case is getting to her. Ballard says that it is nothing, and Sam must have mentioned it before when she questioned him. Sheridan stops outside the holding tank, where Sam is being held. He says, “These two are definitely working together. One jumps, the other knows how high. They’re screwing with us, and I am sick of it.” When they walk into the room, they are shocked to find it empty. The window is open and the box is missing. Sheridan rushes to the window, as Ballard checks the room. Sheridan looks out at all four stories. There is no Sam. Sheridan says, “How the hell? The ledge is six inches wide. The fire escape is way over there...” Ballard has found Dean’s note. She scans it and hands it to Sheridan. She tells him to check out the signature. Sheridan says, “McQueen?! As in The Great Escape? You gotta be kidding me!” I think Dean’s whole confession was a distraction so Sam could escape. It’s SpiderSam! LOL Ballard says they will get a car over to Ashland Street, and that Sam is probably headed there. Later in the bullpen, the detectives are at their desk. Sheridan is on the phone with Ballard, who is hunched over a piece of paper. It’s probably the paper with the scrambled word on it. That is how the sides end.
I think Ballard will be played by Linda Blair, since I read that she will be in some episodes this season. There is something suspicious about that other cop Sheridan. I wonder if he had something to do with the deaths. Dean said it was the ghost, so maybe I am wrong. Unless Sheridan somehow channeled the ghost.
here are pics from "Everybody Loves A Clown". It looks like Alex really is that Alona Tal actress. She looks too young to be a love interest for Dean, I think.