Two talks by three rivers

Jun 15, 2009 17:22

I'll be spending Independence Day weekend in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Specifically, I'll be at the American Mensa Annual Gathering, which runs 1-5 July. I've got confirmation of my two scheduled talks, for those who'll be there and want to hear me talk in a formal setting (as opposed to "run into me sometime; I'm always willing to talk"):

On Friday 3 July, at 4:30PM, I'll be in Conference Room A, talking about "Stupid Author Tricks: How to Keep Yourself from Getting Published".

On Saturday 4 July, at 1:30PM, I'll be in the Allegheny room, for "A Random Verbal Walk through the Presidency".

Since they're trying to keep the program rooms turning over properly from talk to talk, following each of my talks, I'll head to "Author's Alley" (in the back corner of the Grand Ballroom on the 17th floor), both to continue talking and answering questions, and to offer my books for sale.

mensa, appearances, books, writing

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