Spreading the word: adding SFScope to Twitter and Facebook

Jun 18, 2009 16:05

In the ongoing effort to tie all the strands of life together, while at the same time getting completely unraveled, and hoping those tentacles can infiltrate ever-expanding portions of the globe, I present the following:

I've set up both a Twitter feed and a Facebook page for SFScope. I think I've got Twitter running properly (except I couldn't figure out a way to automate it, so I guess I'll have to manually update it). The Facebook page is supposed to be taking the RSS feed from SFScope, but I'm still having a little trouble with it. In any case, when working properly, they'll both be showing headlines from SFScope, along with links to the full articles (Facebook should also show the beginning of the article).

I know most all of you already know about SFScope, whether you read it or not, so the new feeds probably won't add much to your experience. But I'm hoping you'll find a few free moments to echo this news for your friends, especially those who might be interested in SFScope but don't know about it yet. Thanks for helping to spread the word.



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