Signs: ContraryWise Craft: Colors:
As Above, so Below:
Circle cosmos universal cycles between the worlds unity community
Pentagram body personal nature living in the world diversity individual
The Paths of the Craft:
Left circle arc black path of wisdom: dark; moonwise/left-hand; solitary working; immanent divinity black
Pentagram red path of power: vivid; dynamic tension; networking; multiple divinities red
Right circle arc white path of love: light; sunwise/right-hand; group working; transcendent divinity white
The Pentad: Work:
Skull & bones winter; necessity protective & banishing brown
Horned circle summer; possibility energetic & healing green
Crescent new moon; action manifesting & purifying red
Lunula full moon; nurture devotional & consecrating white
Eye old moon; introspection introspective & releasing blue
Witch's foot dark moon; withdrawal transformative & trance black
The Great Days: Hallows:
Doorway Fallows: mystery of ecstasy mirror: insight black
Flame Imbolc: mystery of initiation sword: authority white
Hexagram Bealtaine: mystery of union besom: service green
Drop of blood Lúnasa: mystery of sacrifice stang: mastery red
Apple Samhain: mystery of transmutation cauldron: inspiration black
The Motto of the ContraryWise lineage:
IGFY IALE “It’s good for you…it’s a learning experience!” red
The Degrees in the ContraryWise lineage:
8-spoked wheel 0º Dedication: Dedicant; commitment; traditions of the Craft gray
Cross potent 1º Initiation: Initiate & Witch; competence; the Elements; obligations of the Craft red
Triskele 2º Ordination: Priest, Initiate, & Witch; ministry; the Realms; magics of the Craft white
Pentagram 3º Hallowing: High Priest, Init., & Witch; transmission; the Great Days; mysteries of the Craft black