One of the dedicants recently emailed the initiates of Little Circle on the Plain, asking for some work before initiation. This post is my email to the initiates, discussing the dedicant's request. I'm posting it here because I think it says some meaningful things about how I see initiation and about my relationship with LCoP.
Dear ones,
First off, a general comment on a year-and-a-day. I tend to be pretty strict about this. However, I believe that there are exceptions to every rule. ("Wing it shall be the whole of the law.") For example, someone like Stag, who was already an initiate of a closely related tradition, I would be willing to consider before a year+1. Having said that, I don't see C as one of those exceptions.
Now about C's request... My sense is that C is asking for things to do *before* her initiation, which should take some work--and therefore time. Thus, if we came up with things for her to do, she probably wouldn't get initiated before the year-and-a-day.
I think the first thing that needs to happen is to explain to C what it means to us to be initiated by us. A few points that occur to me:
- In LCoP, being an initiate does not make you any more of a member or give you more of a vote. (For those who haven't dealt with much of the Craft, many--maybe even most--covens don't give dedicants a vote in coven decisions. Some groups don't give a vote until a higher degree is achieved.) Granted, we tend to give more weight to the words of someone experienced, but that's not based on degrees or merit badges. We are equally likely to give more weight to the words of someone with some other kind of relevant experience, such as graphic design, or health care, or whatever.
- It is not necessary to be initiated by us to be recognized as an initiate of the Craft. "If you can, you are." Morseren, Chant, Mythworker, Stag, and myself have all been recognized as initiates by Branwen and Caspian without being required to be initiated by them. It is my opinion that C is already an initiate of the Craft, though she (like Morseren when she met B&C) has never been formally initiated or recognized as an initiate.
- I see initiation by LCoP as a commitment to nurture this group. To be able to make that commitment, the candidate needs to feel a strong resonance with our group and what we do together. I don't see it as a deeper commitment to the individuals. We make that commitment at dedication. The additional commitment is to the health of the group, as a group. (Does that paragraph make sense? I know what I mean, but I'm not sure I'm saying it clearly.)
- I see it also as a commitment to honor the Lady, the Lord, and the Revealer. I want to emphasize this because my ContraryWise Craft is a different style of polytheism. Even though I was already a Third Degree in ContraryWise, with very strong commitments to certain gods and powers, I took on an additional commitment to the Lady and Lord when I was initiated by B&C. Even if I moved away and didn't practice LCoP-style Craft anymore, I would still find some way to honor the Lady and Lord on a regular basis for the rest of my life. (I think we can take it as read that I would still work with the Revealer.)
- Can anyone think of any other points about initiation?
My suggested task for C would be to work on developing meaningful relationships with the Lady, Lord, and Revealer. I think our approach to the gods is still unfamiliar to her. She needs to determine if she wants to be connected with these powers for the rest of her life.
Another reason I think C in particular should wait at least a year+1 is that she is coming to us from a background where they pretty much reinvented the wheel every ritual. She needs some time to find out if she is going to get bored with us doing pretty much the same thing every time. It would be better to find that out before she was initiated.
I realize that this request is unusual for us. We tend to take a rather laid-back approach to preparing for initiation. We usually just want to see that you can lead an LCoP circle without losing it. :) However, we tell people "You have to ask." C is asking for something that is meaningful for her. I think we should provide it, while assuring her that it isn't *necessary*.
I notice that I got all three of LCoP's "Craft Laws" in this email. (The three sentences in quotation marks.) It wasn't intentional, but it does show that those really are core principles for this least in my understanding.