Signs: The Wheel-Dancing System for Teaching Witchcraft Cords:
The Elemental Wheels:
Spiral The Earth Wheel green
Lessons: the labyrinth; centering & grounding; know thyself
Element: Earth: north, night; touch; despair & joy
Tool: pentacle: experience, rootedness
Infinity sign The Water Wheel blue
Lessons: ebb & flow; sunwise/moonwise/contrariwise; relationship
Element: Water: west, twilight; taste; sorrow & compassion
Tool: cup: sensitivity, receptivity
Arrow of power The Fire Wheel red
Lessons: tools; energy work, the cone of power
Element: Fire: south, noon; sight; anger & passion
Tool: athame: will, energy
Cross potent The Air Wheel yellow
Lessons: elements & guardians; calling Powers
Element: Air: east, dawn; hearing; fear & clarity
Tool: wand: skill, knowledge
Rose of 5 petals The Essence Wheel purple
Lessons: phases of life; health, spirituality
Element: Essence: center, now; smell; shame & harmony
Tool: wheel-cords: specialty, integration
The Realms Wheels:
8-spoked wheel The Land Wheel brown
Lessons: paths of power; spellcraft, healing
Realm: the Land: numina/fae/spirits of place; the living world
Tool: land tool (knife; drum; mortar & pestle; etc.): groundedness, stability
Triskele The Sea Wheel gray
Lessons: realms; trancework, divination
Realm: the Sea: ancestors; the hidden world
Tool: an oracle (Tarot; runes; etc.): openness, fluidity
Awen (3 rays) The Sky Wheel black
Lessons: paths of the Craft; ritual, invoking
Realm: the Sky: gods; the celestial world
Tool: divinity-links (e.g. Pentad cords): connectedness, creativity